Chapter 28: The Birth Of The Dragon Emperor, He Is Not A Human Being

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Almost everyone believed that Qin Luo was cold-blooded and cruel. He took Qin Menglan's demon bloodline, and then began to rise to become the famous dragon emperor.

All the benefits seemed to be enjoyed by Qin Luo alone.

However, the next scene shocked everyone.


on the screen.

As Xiao Menglan left, Qin Luo also felt lonely.

He touched the small toys that Xiao Menglan had used in the room, and then put the pair of shoes he picked up from the wilderness in the drawer.

late at night.

Qin Luo sat alone in the room.

The bloodline of the demon race in the body began to erupt, and the severe pain swept through his body in an instant.

Then, Qin Luo suddenly fell to the ground, roaring in pain, like a wounded beast.


This sudden scene also shocked everyone present.

"How is this going?"

"Why does Qin Luo seem to have been injured suddenly and terribly, but he couldn't help roaring in pain. You must know that he fought a dragon-level monster back then. He was wounded all over and was on the verge of death.

"I was also shocked. Suddenly, Qin Luo fell to the ground. This pain obviously came from his body, which was different from ordinary trauma."

"Could it be that Qin Luo has been punished by heaven and is about to die."

"Are you stupid, if Qin Luo hangs up at this time, who will be the Dragon Emperor in the future, idiot."

"Stop arguing, look at Qin Luo, it's so scary."

Someone pointed at the light curtain and exclaimed.

This moment caught everyone's attention.

Even Qin Menglan felt a little shocked, as if feeling Qin Luo's pain through the light curtain.

Since it will be so painful, why do you still want to capture the bloodline of this demon race?

Is strength so important to you?

Qin Meng Lan shook his head.

For Qin Luo after the age of eight, Qin Menglan has no emotion at all, as if he is looking at a stranger.


in the memory screen.

Qin Luo's whole body has changed, with all kinds of scales and spikes growing on his body, his pupils are blood red, and he looks like a real weirdo.

Due to the influence of the demon bloodline, Qin Luo seemed to have lost his mind. With a low growl, he rushed out of the wilderness.

People saw Qin Luo like a bloodthirsty monster, destroying everywhere outside the wilderness and slaughtering other monsters.

The surrounding bloody horror is like hell.

At this moment, Qin Luo has no human features at all.

Such a horrific and bloody massacre did not end until the next morning.

The bloodline of the demon clan stopped rampant, and Qin Luo turned back into a human.

Looking at the corpses lying around, blood flowing into rivers, Qin Luo's eyes were gloomy, but he was not surprised at all.

Obviously, he had known for a long time that he would have such a change.

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