Chapter 95: Revenge For Her, Who Is The Ultimate Demon?

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new picture.

Qin Luo took Qin Qianqian back to the wilderness.

After the revenge, Qin Qianqian's obsession began to dissipate, and the dark power gradually disappeared.

Although she was severely beaten by Qin Luo, she had a happy childlike smile at the moment because her resentment disappeared.

Many people look very uncomfortable, as if they are stuck in their throats.

The initiator of the Nanjiang City disaster is still so heartless, she should not get a good end, she should be subject to the harshest punishment in the world.

"It's really cheap for her."

"Qin Luo bore the consequences for her, but the fault still exists. She killed half of the civilians in Nanjiang City. She should fall into hell forever and suffer a lot."

"It seems that her dark power is gradually disappearing, and I don't know if she is dead or returning to sleep, but no matter what the outcome, she is too comfortable."

"I'm so angry, why didn't she suffer the most terrifying torture, and then disappear little by little in a desperate cry, I'm so angry that I want to kill."

"Qianqian Wushen, take the liberty to ask, after so many years, you really haven't awakened the dark power again?"

"Did she really disappear completely?"

Many people did not see that the dark personality had a good end, and asked one after another.

And Qin Qianqian frowned.

For her, the dark personality is just a demon. The other party temporarily occupied her body, and after committing bad things, it disappeared.

Now that it's gone, it's "death".

So there's no point in holding someone accountable for someone who's already dead.

"Although I also really want to hand over the dark personality to everyone to judge the crime, but I'm sorry, she died, and now I am the one who controls the body."

"It's me Qin Qianqian, the Valkyrie of Xia."

"What the dark personality has done is indeed sinful, but there is nothing I can do about it, and it has nothing to do with me."

After Qin Qianqian finished speaking coldly, she hugged her shoulders with both hands, like the snow lotus on the ice cliff, awe-inspiring and inviolable, no one dared to look directly at her edge.

Her words were clear.

If you want to vent your anger and resentment, please find the right target. She Qin Qianqian has nothing to do with this matter. Who dares to touch the mold on her, so sorry, she is not easy to mess with.

The crowd was silent.


in the light curtain.

The picture is.

The power of the dark personality disappeared, she was leaving, and then said a final goodbye to Qin Luo.

"Dad, I admit I've done a lot of bad things, sorry, sorry, Dad."

she cried.

Qin Luo hugged his daughter, stroked her hair gently, and comforted: "Dad understands, it's good that you know your mistakes, everything is over, and in the future, Dad will pay for these mistakes for you."

"Dad doesn't know where you will go. I hope you will always be happy. Don't be blinded by resentment. Remember, Daddy is always by your side."

Qin Luo's eyes were wet again.

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