Chapter 86: Crisis, Desperate

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At this time, in the memory screen.

As time passes, change accelerates.

Half a month passed in a blink of an eye.

Qin Luo's injury has gradually recovered, but his form has always maintained the appearance of a dragon, and it seems that he has maintained the appearance of this monster.

Seems to see Qin Luo's concern.

Xiaoqianqian comforted: "Dad, it doesn't matter, no matter what you become, you are Qianqian's father."

"We don't go back to the human world, we just live in the wilderness."

She is not very old, she said these words with a small face, but she looks so mature and takes care of Qin Luo's emotions.

Qin Luo nodded with a smile and said yes.

But he still looked worried.

He wasn't worried about his body.

But in the recent period, Qin Luo found that his daughter's power of light was weakening day by day.

If you guessed correctly, except that his body is getting better, the dark personality is also recovering.

The happiness on the surface, after the daughter's bright personality fell asleep, will be completely disillusioned like a mirror.

Qin Luo only hoped that that day would come later.

Let him accompany his daughter again and spend every day happily.

He cherished this hard-won happiness very much.

In the picture, this day.

calm day.

Because of a dragon-level monster that suddenly appeared, it was broken.

In fact, in the wilderness, the chance of encountering monsters is very high. It took Qin Luo and Qin Qianqian half a month to encounter a dragon-level monster. In fact, they were lucky.

But now, the crisis is coming.


in reality.

When people saw the sudden appearance of a dragon-level monster, they raised their spirits.

Qin Luo's current strength has not recovered yet. Facing dragon-level monsters, he should not be an opponent.

He's in trouble.

Although everyone didn't want to see this peaceful scene being broken, the memory picture was not controlled at all.


in the light curtain.

"Qianqian, hide behind, Dad will protect you."

Qin Luo looked at the dragon-level monster that suddenly appeared, and quickly protected his daughter behind him.

This is a dark monster with countless black mist covering its body, three heads and blood-red eyes.

Qin Luo couldn't recognize what kind of monster it was. There were countless monsters that invaded the burrow. So far, no one has been able to recognize all of them and named them all.

But according to the breath on the body, this monster should belong to the Demon Race.

Moreover, this monster was extremely vicious, all three heads bared their teeth, and a string of corrosive mucus dripped on the ground, making a burst of sizzling sound.

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