Chapter 10: Longling Tianchi, Who Is Qin Luo's Wife?

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Qin Luo at that time was really admirable.

Looking at Qin Luo's desolate but upright back.

In reality, people have mixed feelings.

Even among the heroes of the Martial Arts League, few are as brilliant as Qin Luo.

He is more hero than hero, but he hides in the dark and guards silently.

"Did Qin Luo, the devil, degenerate into a devil because he endured 300 years of namelessness and could no longer endure the darkness?"

"Could it be that he doesn't like other heroes standing in the sun, enjoying the halo and support brought by the people, so he chose to betray humanity in a fit of rage?"

The crowd began to ponder.

Qin Luo is upright, upright, brave, kind and upright, and protects civilians, with countless shining points on his body.

This kind of person is extremely dazzling and deserves to be a hero praised by everyone.

But Qin Luo has been in the dark, not known

Is that so, did he degenerate into a demon emperor later?

He was tyrannical and ruthless, murdered the wild, slaughtered the city and destroyed the family, was cold-blooded and ruthless, and even tortured his own daughter and disciples.

For a person to have such extreme changes, the contrast is too great.

"Hehe, the devil is always the devil. You are easy to be moved. Could it be that if you do a good thing, you can cover up the bad things he does in the future? We are not believers in Buddhism, and it is said that we can turn around without putting down the butcher's knife."

"Everyone, calm down and don't be easily shaken. If you continue to watch this memory exposure, I'm afraid you will develop feelings for this devil."

On the side, Huang Tao made a strange sound.

Everyone ignored him.

Who didn't know that Qin Luo would be the devil in the future, and he needed him to chatter beside him.

Everyone is just curious, why a righteous and kind person becomes a devil.

"It turns out that the moment I finally slaughtered the blood demon Sirius, it was Qin Luo who secretly shot. The truth turned out to be like this."

At this moment, Liu Feng let out a long sigh and looked lonely.

Originally, he thought that the killing of the blood demon Sirius was entirely by himself, but he never imagined that Qin Luo would silently sacrifice behind his back from beginning to end.

He Liu Feng, who has the right to question Qin Luo?

What face is there to see those compatriots who sacrificed?

"I will fulfill my promise and erect a monument to guard Qin Luo's tomb."

After Liu Feng said this, he left. At this moment, he no longer cared about other people's eyes.

As for how Qin Luo will change in the memory projection, he doesn't care anymore.

Seeing Liu Feng leave, everyone sighed and didn't say anything vicious.

"Hey, look, there's a new change in the memory screen."

At this time, Murong Yunshan pointed at the light curtain and said.

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