Chapter 36: The Lord Of The Restricted Area, Some People Choose To Burn

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"Why, Qin Luo suddenly went to the restricted area for humans."

"Who knows, can you guess the Dragon Emperor's mind?"

"Oh, it's a pity. It would be great if Qin Luo just died in the restricted area. Why are those alien monsters willing to bow their heads and submit to Qin Luo, all these guys treat humans as ants."

"It can only be said that in the face of absolute power, those arrogant aliens are also cowards."

"Damn it, watching Qin Luo rise, I always feel aggrieved."

"Who isn't, Qin Luo will start slaughtering humans after he rises."

"If I remember correctly, Qin Luo started the beast wave that Rongcheng caused two years later."

"This scum, the devil, actually launched a beast wave to attack the human city. He is really obsessed. Now that he is dead, it is really good."

People cursed Qin Luo.

Someone said, "You said, will Qin Luo make a comeback, because we misunderstood him."

Because seeing the memory exposure, there have been many face slaps.

Some people can't help but wonder if there will be hidden secrets in the next thing.

However, as soon as this person said this, he immediately attracted the anger of countless people.

"Those little things may be misunderstandings. After all, things happen for a reason, but this kind of thing can't be fake when the beast hordes attack human cities."

"At that time, do you know how many people in Rongcheng lost their lives under the beast swarms, there were 100,000 people, this blood feud is impossible to forgive."

"According to the clues, those monsters who attacked Rongcheng were all under Qin Luo's command. It was him! He commanded the monsters and attacked Rongcheng."

Countless people were silent.

With countless lives at stake, and a monstrous blood feud, no one dared to speak for Qin Luo easily.

Even when Qin Luo fell into the Falling Star Tower, he did not defend himself, which shows that he also admitted his crime.

In this situation.

Can it be whitened?


Qin Luo confirmed the name of the devil.


in the memory screen.

Qin Luo went to a restricted area.

This restricted area is located in the 100,000 Mountains in the south of the Xia Kingdom.

Before entering the restricted area, there are countless monsters with tyrannical breath walking around in the surrounding wilderness, and they are fighting each other.

Just for a short while.

Qin Luo saw a weak monster walking, and a stronger monster came to devour it.

This more powerful monster didn't hesitate for a long time, and another larger monster came.

This picture is a bit like the classic of mountains and seas in the game advertisement of the previous life, where monsters are rampant and devour each other.

It really is a place where dragons and snakes live together.


At this time, a monster that looked like a cow, but stood like a human, opened his mouth to Qin Luo.

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