Chapter 8: The Memory Reappears, Not Afraid Of Death

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in the light curtain.

Qin Luo was seriously injured.

But gritted his teeth and staggered to his feet.

"No, let the blood demon Sirius escape, it will definitely cause disaster, I must destroy it."

Thinking of this, Qin Luo's eyes were firm, and he stepped in the direction in which the blood demon Sirius fled.

"Squeak... squeak."

Every time Qin Luo took a step, there was a sound from his body because of the trembling of his muscles.

An excruciating pain spread throughout the body

But Qin Luo still persevered and held on with perseverance.

The escape of a dragon-level monster is definitely a terrifying disaster. It is impossible to imagine how many people will die by then.

Qin Luo cared about the civilians in Linjiang City, and he didn't care about the injury, so he rushed out.


see this scene.

Everyone was shocked and couldn't believe it.

They had no idea that they were all injured to such an extent that Qin Luo still wanted to protect the people.

At this time, Qin Luo's body was condensed with pieces of dirty blood, like an evil spirit crawling up from hell.

The severity of the injury can be seen by everyone at a glance.

That's it, I still want to kill the blood demon Sirius. Does this kind of person really exist?

"I didn't expect Qin Luo's justice and perseverance to reach this level."

"It's really admirable. Maybe it was with this kind of perseverance that Qin Luo could conquer all the demons and become the demon emperor. This kind of person can get along well no matter where he is."

"Although the action was touching, Qin Luo probably didn't catch up with the blood demon Sirius. It was recorded in history that Liu Feng killed the blood demon Sirius in the end."

Speaking of Liu Feng.

All eyes turned to him again.

At this time, Liu Feng also came back to his senses.

looking at me again?

"At that time, the Awakeners and I led hundreds of thousands of people. We encountered the blood demon Sirius while on the Nujiang River. After sacrificing many Awakeneds, we finally killed the blood demon Sirius."

"At that time, I didn't know that the blood demon Sirius was seriously injured, but he still paid a great price to kill the blood demon Sirius."

Is this really how it happened?

Everyone looked at Liu Feng suspiciously.

If someone said that the blood demon Sirius was not killed by Liu Feng at this time, everyone might believe it.

After all, Liu Feng's reputation and reputation have fallen into the dust.

Aware of everyone's questioning eyes, Liu Feng said helplessly, "Do you believe it or not."

"After watching this episode of memory exposure, I will find a place with beautiful mountains and clear waters, build a monument for Qin Luo to guard the tomb, and live in seclusion here for the rest of my life."

Gao Wu: My Memory Was Exposed After My Death, And My Daughter Burst Into TearsWhere stories live. Discover now