Chapter 68: The Killing In Nanjiang City, Did Qin Qianqian Kill Someone?

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outside the light curtain.

In reality, when everyone heard Qin Luo's words, they were instantly refreshed.

I'm coming.

Qin Luo's first fall, is it here?

He began to commit a horrific crime.

His anger burned the entire Nanjiang City, killing countless heroes and civilians of the Martial Arts Alliance.

This bloody method made the entire human world in an uproar.

No one has ever committed such a serious sin. For the entire human race, Qin Luo is a complete devil.

It should be here.

The crowd was amazed.

Just this moment.

People who watched the exposure of the memory were a little embarrassed for a while.

The reason why Qin Luo went berserk was also because of Su Yan's death, which hit him too hard.

If it was before, when everyone saw Qin Luo doing bad things, they would condemn him for anything.

But seeing this scene now, the atmosphere is very heavy.

"It's a tit for tat, because of Su Yan's death, Nanjiang City has this terrible disaster, and Qin Luo has become the devil because of this, and he will pay for it in the future."

"But Qin Luo is indeed the biggest devil to do such a sinful thing."

The people around sighed.

But someone shook his head and said solemnly, "It's not here."


"Who is speaking?"

When everyone heard the words, they all looked in the direction from which the voice came.

I saw a white-haired old man talking.

The old man was wearing a black martial arts uniform, with a stooped figure, but his eyes were sharp.

People recognized him.

"It's Zhou Qingping, the owner of the Thousand Machines Martial Arts Museum in Nanjiang City, a dragon-level powerhouse."

"Master Zhou is a person from Nanjiang City. Could it be that he witnessed everything at the time?"

Everyone was surprised.

After all, it was more than two hundred years ago.

Many people have heard about it, but have not witnessed it.

Now that Zhou Qingping, a person from Nanjiang City, appeared in person to speak, everyone's attention was focused on him.

Zhou Qingping coughed twice, and then said, "I was just a trainee in a martial arts gym back then, and I didn't know the specifics."

"In the case of Nanjiang City, the warriors were almost dead, and only half of the civilians were left, so after so many years, almost all of them are buried in history and are not known."

"But one thing I remember very well is when it happened."


Everyone looked at Zhou Qingping in surprise.

"Yes, it's time."

Zhou Qingping said: "According to the time, there are still two years before this horrific massacre broke out in Nanjiang City. Qin Luo destroyed half of Nanjiang City. It was a river of blood and sorrow was everywhere."

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