Chapter 87: Qianqian, Dad Will Always Love You

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since the crisis.

Qin Luo and his daughter still encounter some monsters from time to time in the wilderness.

But compared to the dragon-level monsters before, the next encounters were weaker monsters, and Qin Luo was able to deal with them.

Another month has passed.

Qin Luo felt that he had regained half of his previous strength, so he decided to go back to his own territory.

In the vast world, only there is his home.

After he told his daughter.

Xiaoqianqian smiled and said: "Okay, wherever Dad goes, Qianqian can go wherever he goes."

Her face was pale, but she still raised her delicate neck and responded.

After speaking, she crouched on Qin Luo's back again, sniffing her father's breath, and fell into a deep sleep.

Since the last time she used the power of light, Xiaoqianqian's body seems to have become much weaker.

Often fall into a long sleep state.

Sometimes, lying in his arms during the day, he would suddenly fall asleep while talking.

At night, she slept for more than ten hours, no matter how Qin Luo whispered to her, there was no response.

And when she fell asleep, her brows were always furrowed, which made Qin Luo feel a little hurt when he saw it.

The daughter's spirit is getting weaker and weaker.

Qin Luo knew that in his daughter's body, there must be a big battle, and the three personalities were vying for the dominant position.

That kind of competition must be extremely fierce.

He didn't know how long the bright personality could last.

Every time he saw his daughter's weakening spirit, his heart always ached.

Qin Luo was a little worried that as soon as she fell asleep and opened her eyes again, she would turn into that dark personality with a sullen face and violent eyes.

But he couldn't stop his daughter's body from changing, and he couldn't let her give up.

Living in the sunshine is my daughter's wish.

Qin Luo couldn't bear to let her go back, let alone see her weak like this every day.

Qin Luo didn't say anything, but guarded his daughter with peace of mind, waiting for her to wake up again, and then called his father obediently.

"Qianqian, are you asleep?"

Qin Luo asked while walking with his daughter on his back.

There was no sound from behind.

Qin Luo knew that her daughter fell asleep again.

He quickened his pace.


outside the light curtain.

When everyone in reality saw this scene, they couldn't help but sigh.

Obviously, everyone could see that since the last crisis, Qin Qianqian's personality was about to fall into a deep sleep again.

Even if there is no such crisis, counting the time, the dark personality in Qin Qianqian's body should have recovered a lot.

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