Chapter 61: Divine Power Pendant, I Really Want To Smack You

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Those painful memories of childhood, and Su Yan's death because of Qin Luo.

All made Qin Qianqian more resentful towards Qin Luo.

Su Yan gave him his new life, what did he have to do with Qin Luo.

Strictly speaking, Qin Luo is not even her father.

And Qin Luo brought her countless pains, and even let Su Yanxiang eliminate Yu Yu.

How could she not resent Qin Luo.

"Qin Luo, his death was too easy."

Qin Qianqian's eyes flashed with a cold light.

After she figured out everything, the trace of guilt in her heart that she had sent Qin Luo to death completely dissipated.

She did nothing wrong at all.

Send Qin Luo to die.

Avenged his mother and killed a scumbag.

He even killed a demon for the people.

And she, Qin Qianqian, has also completely cut off the darkness and gained a new life. She is the peerless Valkyrie of the Xia Kingdom and admired by everyone.

this moment.

Qin Qianqian's heart was gone, and she regained her confidence.

Everyone around was surprised.

I didn't expect Qin Qianqian to accept her life experience so quickly.

That is the evil in the dark forbidden zone.

Many people were shocked by Qin Qianqian's psychological changes.

Such a big thing happened, and he accepted it calmly in an instant. As expected of a Valkyrie, there is no one else with this psychological quality.

But as Qin Menglan said.

Qin Qianqian, although she is an evil in the dark restricted area, is in the dark and yearns for the light. She is not wrong.

And now, she has also received a new life, becoming the Valkyrie of the Xia Kingdom, protecting countless civilians.

She is indeed bright and great.

The Martial Dao Alliance, which had been on guard against Qin Qianqian after seeing the memory exposure, also let go of its vigilance at this moment.

Qin Qianqian, she has no darkness now, she is good.

Unlike Qin Luo, he has demon blood, so he must be evil.

The distinction between good and evil is sometimes so simple and obvious.

Just like Qin Luo has done a lot of good things, but he has the blood of the demon clan, it is unacceptable.

And Qin Qianqian's past life was extremely evil, and naturally, he would be labeled as dark.

Because that's how the world is.

Some people are fierce in appearance, even if they are kind-hearted, they will be guarded by others everywhere.

And some people are beautiful in appearance, but have a heart of snakes and scorpions, no matter how many bad things they do, there will be people everywhere to maintain them.


At this time, people return to the thinking of memory exposure.

Qin Luo, how many things are hidden from the world?

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