Chapter 47: The Instructor Is Dead, Qin Menglan's Sky Is Falling

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in this cloudy and chaotic world.

What kind of person should he be Qin Luo's daughter.

Qin Luo thought about this question more than once.

The answer can't be as long as she's happy and happy.

This is not an ordinary world, this planet is in the wilderness, without order and laws.

Humanity will one day face the danger of being trampled on by aliens and genocide.

Qin Luo more than once, saw the tragic scene of human beings being reduced to monsters and eating blood when they changed.

Human beings need a god-level and a hero to stand up and protect the weak people.

Since he is already a demon emperor and can no longer stand on this stage, let his daughter Qin Menglan be the light.

So Qin Luo made a decision in his heart.



in the light curtain.

"Teacher, there are often beast roars outside the wilderness recently, and there are more and more monsters."

"Otherwise, send me out, as long as I die..."

Xiao Menglan said with tears.

She was very afraid, afraid to see the Rongcheng completely turned into ruins under the trampling of countless monsters.

Afraid to see the ordinary people in the city, reduced to the blood of monsters.

This happened because of her. If she died, then everything could be avoided, so she had this idea.


Qin Luo turned into an instructor and shouted sharply.

"Qin Menglan, you must understand that humans and monsters are two completely different races. Even without your reasons, human cities have been facing the invasion of monsters."

"So your death doesn't change the status quo. Instead of crying, you might as well sink your heart and practice. When the beast tide comes and the city falls, you can kill a few more monsters."

"This may save one innocent civilian death in this city."

Maybe Qin Luo's words played a role, Qin Menglan never had this idea again.

Every day she listened to the roars of beasts coming from outside the city walls and began to practice hard.

Qin Luo, on the other hand, closed his eyes and rested. He was waiting, waiting for the outbreak of the beast swarm.


outside the light curtain.

Real people see it here.

Also deeply touched.

Humans and monsters cannot coexist. This is the truth that has been obtained for three hundred years.

"The beast tide is about to start. I didn't expect Qin Luo to say such a thing. What was he thinking?"

"It's ironic to say that he taught his daughter to be just, brave, kind and other qualities, but he has fallen into a devil, mixed with aliens, and destroyed cities and slaughtered human beings. It's really incomprehensible."

"Actually, this is not contradictory. There are many parents who have bad habits such as bad gambling, laziness, violence, etc., but they ask their children to be kind, diligent, and progressive... This kind of person has a low character. Qin Luo is such a person. ."

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