Chapter 99: Hate Qin Luo, Is Her Strength To Survive

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Qin Luo rushed over like crazy and hugged Qin Qianqian.

At this time, Qin Qianqian had passed out.

Qin Luo hugged his daughter like a piece of rotten wood, almost lifeless.

This situation is really special.

From the outside, Qin Qianqian didn't have any scars, but in the deepest part of her heart, there was no faith or desire to survive.

Her soul was like a candle that was about to go out.

Perhaps, her subconscious is also running away.

She couldn't accept the fact that her father was a monster, so her faith completely collapsed and she wanted to die.


And outside the light curtain.

In reality, everyone fell into silence.

The picture in the memory projection is a little different from what Qin Qianqian once said.

Qin Qianqian said that she just passed out, and when she woke up again, she returned to the wilderness. In the following years, she was brutally tortured countless times by Qin Luo.

But now from the memory screen.

This is not a coma, this is just one breath left, and I will die at any time.

"how can that be."

Qin Qianqian frowned and felt a little bit of doubt. Looking at the picture, her voice trembled.

"I clearly remember that Qin Luo's identity was exposed, which hit me hard and then passed out."

"In the next, I will wake up soon, but when I wake up, everything has changed, and this is how I started the most cruel hell in my life."

"Qin Luo's indifference and ruthlessness were all left to me and vented on me. He made my whole childhood feel hopeless and dark, so that more than two hundred years later, I still can't get rid of it."

Qin Qianqian lost control of her emotions, her eyes were puzzled.


What the hell happened.

If you really broke down in belief, how did you survive?

Qin Qianqian's eyes were blank.



in the memory screen.

Qin Luo carefully picked up his daughter, and felt that her daughter's heart was dead, and her face was not at all angry, and she couldn't help secretly heartache.

He should have known it long ago.

Qianqian was hurt by her before, and she couldn't accept her identity.

Although he was careful again and again, he covered it with a cloak and hid in the dark.

But still accidentally exposed this ugly appearance, and then let her daughter see it.

Is there any way to save my daughter?

She can't just die like this.

Qin Luo was extremely frightened, and there was a huge fear in his heart, as if in the next moment, his daughter had completely left his world.

"Qianqian, Dad will definitely save you, hold on."

Qin Luo picked up Qin Qianqian, ignored the warriors who were chasing him, and turned to leave.

Gao Wu: My Memory Was Exposed After My Death, And My Daughter Burst Into TearsWhere stories live. Discover now