Chapter 72: Change Of Attitude

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in the light curtain.

People saw Qin Qianqian's craziest side.

She gritted her teeth, her face was full of sullenness, like an evil spirit crawling up from the ground, staring at Qin Luo.

"It was you who killed your mother, because of your dirty demon bloodline, your mother has been unhappy in her life."

"Because of you, I was spurned by others. Everyone called me a monster. I wanted to kill you. You are no longer worthy of being my father."

"And the people in Nanjiang City, I won't let any of them go. I want to kill them and kill them all."

"Let go of me, you bastard."

Qin Qianqian's eyes were full of fierceness, she struggled frantically, trying to get out of Qin Luo's control.

Due to the terrifying strength of the struggle, her hand was dislocated, and there was a "click" sound.

But there was no pain on her face, as if she couldn't feel any pain, she still had a ferocious expression on her face.

She kicked Qin Luo with her feet, like a beast fighting back from death. There were strange "ho, ho, ho" sounds from her mouth, and then she bit Qin Luo's shoulder and tore off a piece of flesh.

Those bloody wounds were shocking to those who saw this scene.

Everyone sighed, Qin Qianqian's mouth was too ruthless, it was really like a beast.

Qin Luo couldn't believe that his daughter had become so crazy all of a sudden. A dark personality could turn a four-year-old girl into a resentful spirit.

He knocked Qin Qianqian unconscious, then hugged her gently, his eyes sympathetic.

Falling into a coma, Qin Qianqian turned back to that cute and well-behaved daughter.

According to the system, Qin Qianqian's body, the main character that belongs to him and Su Yan's daughter, is also in this body.

"Don't worry, Dad will make you better." Qin Luo promised.

No one doubted Qin Luo's determination, because Qin Qianqian in the future did not have a dark personality, and she became the second Valkyrie of Xia.

Qin Luo's promise to himself has never been missed.


Back outside the light curtain.

in reality.

When people saw Qin Qianqian's crazy appearance, they all trembled with fright.

At the same time, people were also shocked by Qin Luo's gentleness.

Such a crazy Qin Qianqian, Qin Luo still cherishes her, and has no idea of ​​hurting her.

Is this really the devil who will destroy humanity in the future?

What is going to happen to make Qin Luo change from a warm and kind person to a terrifying devil.

No one can guess.

But now there is a tinge of doubt.

Only by reading all the memory exposures can you get an answer.

"Qianqian Wushen's split personality is indeed full of violence and evil, and it is extremely difficult to control. Qin Luo almost couldn't catch her, and she was bitten."

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