Chapter 40: My Chance Has Nothing To Do With Qin Luo, Panicked

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"My dear, what is this, two beast emperors, this secret realm is really dangerous."

"It scares people to death. These two beast emperors are the guardian monsters of the wood spirit cemetery. They absorbed the spiritual energy overflowing from the wood spirit spar and evolved to such a degree."

"Too fierce, no weaker than the two masters of the restricted area."

Many people saw this and wiped a cold sweat.

The man-eating vines and giant horned beast emperor in the light curtain, hundreds of years have passed, and few people dared to provoke them.

With Qin Menglan only twelve years old at the time, and with the strength of a general, how did she capture the wood spirit crystal?

"I'm very curious, with the competition of two beast emperor-level monsters and so many dragon-level warriors, how did Wushen Menglan get the wood spirit crystal?"

"Does it really have nothing to do with Qin Luo?"

"I can't see it."

"Could it be that Qin Luo got it and gave it to Qin Menglan?"

However, this doubt was raised, and it was immediately refuted by everyone.

"Nonsense, treasures are for those who have a destiny. Menglan Wushen can obtain the wood spirit crystal, which is also her opportunity. What does this have to do with Qin Luo?"

"If Qin Luo grabbed the wood spirit crystal and gave it to Qin Menglan, wouldn't Qin Menglan know about it?"

Everyone looked at Qin Menglan.

Qin Meng Lan shook his head and said, "I obtained the wood spirit crystal alone, or in other words, the treasure chose me, and it has nothing to do with others."

She clearly remembered the past. In the wood spirit cemetery, there was a machine life, and the wood spirit crystal was the treasure she guarded.

And the machine life said that it was Mu Lingjing who chose her, and it was also the inheritance of Mu Ling who chose her.

This has nothing to do with Qin Luo.


And this time.

in the light curtain.

Due to the sudden appearance of the man-eating vine and the giant horned beast king, the whole scene became chaotic.

Many dragon-level powerhouses made their own shots, each with their own small abacus.

And Qin Menglan saw the chaos and quickly stepped back a few hundred meters.

However, she found that the mysterious man in the cloak remained unmoved. He was so close to her that he seemed to be protecting her?

At this time, the situation on the screen changed.

Maybe someone saw that Qin Luo was powerful, but he kept watching from the sidelines, so he led the disaster and led the giant horned beast king to Qin Luo and Qin Mengyao.

"This eldest brother's path has narrowed. It's not good for you to provoke anyone. You can provoke the evil star of Demon Qin."

"The people in the past are really brave."

When everyone saw this scene, they all shook their heads.


Qin Luo saw that someone was thinking this way, and his eyes showed murderous intent.

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