Chapter 31: Martial Dao Enlightener, Mood Is A Little Broken

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in the light curtain.

At the age of ten, Xiao Menglan was adopted by the orphanage and went to the Martial Arts Academy.

"Teacher, a person is not a congenital awakener, how can one become stronger?"

Xiao Menglan looked at the instructor of the academy and asked earnestly.

She is not satisfied with training ordinary skills such as physical fitness, knife skills, and knowledge of firearms every day.

These abilities can't kill monsters, let alone kill the father who is stronger than monsters.

Xiao Menglan yearns for power more than anyone else.

Unfortunately, she is not an Awakened.

across from her.

The unremarkable instructor asked softly, "Why do you want power?"

"For revenge."

Xiao Menglan blurted out without hesitation.

She didn't know that the ordinary instructor standing in front of her was her father Qin Luo.

The ability to disguise is obviously a masterpiece of the system.

Qin Luo asked, "Can you tell me who to avenge?"

Xiao Menglan's face was full of suffocation, and she said directly: "My scum father, devil father, I must kill him."

Qin Luo heard the words, his body trembled slightly, and he was silent, but no one knew, his face was a little bitter.

a long time.

He touched Xiaomenglan's head and said, "Listen to my class carefully. When you learn the knowledge, then you will feel the way to become stronger."

Martial Arts Academy.

A conversation between an instructor and a little girl was imprinted in the memory exposure.


outside the light curtain.

Dozens of millions of people were stunned when they watched this scene.

Qin Luo, is the enlightenment instructor of Menglan Martial God Martial Arts?

It is through learning knowledge that Qin Menglan created the basic cultivation method of the Five Qi Chaoyuan.

How did he do it?

Without a girl noticing, imparting the five qi Chaoyuan to the other party.

Qin Menglan also stared blankly at the memory exposure.

That instructor was the best person she had ever met when she was ten years old.

From him, Qin Menglan not only learned all kinds of knowledge, but also a lot of life lessons.

He is like a persevering and seductive life mentor, guiding her forward all the time.

Qin Menglan is always grateful for this.

But many years later, Qin Menglan was saddened for a long time when he heard that the instructor died in the beast tide.

But who would have thought that this was actually made by her father.

Qin Menglan's mind was about to burst.

"How much are you hiding from me?"

And at that time, when she told the instructor that she wanted to kill her father, how did he... how did he feel?

Gao Wu: My Memory Was Exposed After My Death, And My Daughter Burst Into TearsWhere stories live. Discover now