Chapter 80 Dad Saves Me, My Life Hangs By A Thread

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The appearance of Carlo allowed Qin Luo to see the second divine level.

Compared with the aggressive dragon form eighteen years ago, Carlo is now in the form of a half-dragon.

But he was still fierce.

Even in the form of a human, it is nearly three meters tall, strong and strong. He has scales all over his body, two horns on his head, and a flaming cloak. In this ice and snow, it looks like a burning fire.

It is hard to imagine that as a god-level fire power, his restricted area is actually on a snowy mountain.

[Host, it's time to leave, the host is not a god-level opponent. ] The system said in Qin Luo's mind.

Qin Luo turned a deaf ear, he just stared worriedly at the barrier that formed the dark power in the void.

His daughter is in this barrier. As a father, how could he leave Qin Qianqian alone?

Absolutely impossible.

Carlo's flame burned over, like a world-annihilating flame disaster, and the entire light curtain was like a vast sea of ​​fire.

The power of the gods is vividly displayed at this moment.

Many people outside the light curtain saw the huge power of Carlo, and they were all speechless.

He is like a fire that never goes out, standing in the cold ice and snow.

It is such a powerful Carlo. In the future history, he will be defeated by Qin Luo after a few decades.

And now Qin Luo, in Carlo's eyes, is no less than an ant.

"Who dares to invade my territory."

on the screen.

After the tyrant Carlo came over, the roar was like thunder.

He glanced at Qin Luo and his daughter Long Linger, and was attracted by the dark barrier in the void.

"Without the power of Godhead, which god level has fallen?"

As a god level, Carlo knows the rules between god levels very well.

Fan Qianying's divine power exploded, and he could immediately perceive that this was an vacant position.

People saw that Carlo was hesitating for a moment, and immediately grabbed the dark enchantment.

His hand turned into a claw covered with scales, and gradually expanded, turning into a giant claw in an instant.

No one thought of it.

When Carlo came, his target was not his daughter, nor Qin Luo, but launched an attack on Qin Qianqian immediately.

Outside the light curtain, Qin Qianqian realized what kind of stupid thing her dark personality had done.

In order to escape from captivity, she unintentionally broke out the power of the godhead left by Fan Xianying, which attracted Carlo.

"Then how do I escape the danger?"

Qin Qianqian muttered to herself.

Ever since she learned that she had symptoms of split personality when she was a child, she has become more and more curious about those experiences.

Qin Luo took her, what else did he do?

She didn't believe that Qin Luo would take care of her, maybe just to fulfill her mother's instructions.

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