Chapter 46: Guardian In The Dark, Preparations Before Departure

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Qin Luo is naturally not joking with Qin Menglan, although the Martial Arts Alliance chose to protect this little guy.

But for those greedy dragon-level warriors and wild monsters, the power is far from enough.

He was leaving, and in the rest of the time, came to teach his daughter the last lesson.

The fledgling chicks should spread their wings and soar in the sky.

Qin Luo is about to let go.

Qin Luo said: "The energy spilling out of your body is very powerful now, whether it is open or secret, it has attracted a lot of attention."

"In the next period of time, Rongcheng will suffer a lot because of you. If you are a little careless, you will die in this catastrophe."

"Teacher... Is it a mistake to say that I got the wood spirit inheritance?"

Qin Menglan's face instantly turned ugly.

For a while, the joy in my heart also sank, leaving only worry.

She thought for a while, and then said: "Then I don't want this inheritance, will everything get better?"

Although she really wanted power.

But because of her power, it will bring disaster to Rongcheng, which is not what she wants to see.

Qin Luo is also very satisfied that her daughter has such kind thoughts and does not become a person who is obsessed with pursuing power and falls into hatred.

This is exactly what he wanted to see.

in reality.

People were also amazed.

"Menglan Wushen was really kind from childhood to adulthood, and did not fall into the abyss because of hatred and power."

"It is precisely because of such a kind heart that she can get the support of countless people in the Xia Kingdom and is called the Valkyrie of the Xia Kingdom."

"Ask yourself, it's really impossible for me to choose to give up inheritance between the two."

"Compared to Qin Luo, who is madly pursuing strength, Qin Menglan is really perfect. I don't know if Qin Luo, the devil, will feel ashamed when he hears his daughter say this."

Everyone praised Qin Menglan, and the people worshiped and respected her even more.

This kind of character and kindness belongs only to Qin Menglan, and has nothing to do with her father Qin Luo.

Because of Qin Luo's cold-blooded and ruthless nature, he is not qualified to educate Qin Menglan.

In contrast, Qin Menglan's greatness is reflected in her kindness and selflessness, which is far more than Qin Luo.

Perhaps it is Qin Menglan who has such a kind heart from the beginning, and she will be a real hero later.

Like a god, it illuminates the human world of the collapsed world, bringing dawn from now on.

Under her guidance, people are free from the erosion of monsters and disasters come.


in the light curtain.

Qin Luo shook his head and said, "The wood spirit spar has begun to fuse with you, and this process cannot be reversed."

"In the next period of time, you must stay in the Martial Arts Academy, and don't go anywhere."

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