Chapter 94: The Truth Is Revealed, I Owe Qin Luo An Apology

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The truth gradually emerged.

In the picture, the dark personality explained everything, everyone heard it and felt shocked.

Qin Qianqian played a big game of chess.

She was only six years old when she did such a shocking thing.

She teamed up with another alien.

About to destroy the entire city, including the hundreds of thousands of civilians inside.

However, people can't hate her because she has long since disappeared.

The person who lives with this body is Qin Qianqian, the second Valkyrie of the Xia Kingdom.

Now, people are silent.

Waiting for the follow-up memory screen.


And this time.

on the screen.

"what exactly is it?"

Qin Luo grabbed his daughter's shoulder and asked seriously, "Qianqian, what happened, tell Dad."

His tone was serious, even anxious, for the safety of hundreds of thousands of civilians in the entire city.

Daughter made such a big mistake.

As a father, he needs to take responsibility and stop mistakes from continuing.

Qin Luo didn't beat or scold Qin Qianqian, nor imprisoned her, because it was meaningless at the moment.

Qin Qianqian looked at Qin Luo seriously, the dark power in her body was disappearing.

After revenge, her obsession began to dissipate.

Qin Qianqian said, "I did all these bad things by myself. If you didn't come to kill me, then get away."

Qin Luo asked again: "Now, tell Dad what that dark brand is and how to stop this."

Hearing Qin Luo's words, Qin Qianqian was stunned, and she got angry.

"Don't you understand my words? I destroyed a city. That's a heinous crime. Humans will hunt and kill me. No matter where they go, they won't let me go."

"In order to avenge my mother, I'm not afraid at all, go away quickly."

"Don't think I don't know what you want to do. You're not my father. I don't need you to take these responsibilities for me."

"Dad... woo woo... This is my resentment."

Qin Qianqian started to cry.

Facing her crying daughter, Qin Luo just hugged her tightly and told her with his beating heart that he was always by her side.

Qin Qianqian no longer struggled and resisted, she hugged Qin Luo and enjoyed the tranquility of this moment.

Her resentment dissipated with revenge.

"Come on, Dad, this is the last time I'll call you Dad. I don't regret doing this. I was born for revenge."

She let go of Qin Luo, took a few steps back, and calmly watched the chaos in Nanjiang City.

Qin Luo finally raised his hand when he saw his daughter's stubborn face.

"You still want to kill me after all, so come on."

Qin Qianqian raised her head, closed her eyes, and looked unyielding.

Many people watched this scene intently. This rebellious and disobedient daughter finally did something wrong.

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