Chapter 7: The Advent Of Our Lady

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Outside the memory projection.

When the truth is revealed.

Everyone was mourning.

Because no one would have imagined that the devil Qin Luo would be such an upright and selfless person in the past, who silently sacrificed in order to protect the people of Linjiang City.

This kind of behavior is so different from his subsequent madness and slaughter of human beings, it is unbelievable.

Everyone was silent.

There was no one around to make a sound.

a long time.

Murong Yunshan sighed: "Qin Luo was really kind back then. He possessed great power but used it to protect the weak. This kind of personality charm is very powerful. I even regarded him as the target of pursuit back then."

"Unfortunately, on that day, he suddenly demonized, killed the civilians in a nearby city, and then fled the Xia Kingdom with Qin Menglan, who was still young, and became a human traitor."

Murong Yunshan still sighed when he remembered that scene.

If it weren't for the demonization, Qin Luo's future in the Martial Arts Alliance would be limitless, and he could even embark on the path of the strongest hero and become a myth of the human race.

But all this was shattered the moment Qin Luo betrayed humanity.

Qin Meng's face changed, and he said: "Back then, my father took me to escape from the Xia Kingdom, and then it was like a different person. He was gloomy all day long, silent, and became extremely cruel, torturing the young me everywhere, ignoring me completely. pleadings and feelings.”

"It was also at that time that it brought me endless painful memories."

Thinking of this, Qin Menglan's face was pale, and he was obviously distressed by the past experience.

Qin Qianqian and Qin Xianru hurriedly stepped forward to comfort her, because they also had similar pain, and they were all given by Qin Luo.

After a while, Qin Menglan came back to his senses.

She couldn't understand why Qin Luo in the memory picture, upright, brave, and upright, turned into the brutal look in the future.

One person, why is there such a big difference before and after.

what is this?

Don't say that Qin Menglan couldn't understand it, and everyone present didn't understand it. All this needs to be revealed by memory exposure.

At least at this moment, everyone agreed that Qin Luo was really good when he was born.

"I didn't expect that the devil Qin Luo would have such a kind side. Sure enough, people have two sides."

"Indeed, I didn't expect Qin Luo to do this to protect the people."

"It's a pity that such a righteous and kind person can actually degenerate into a devil, which is embarrassing."

"Although... Qin Luo's strength is really strong. Even if he is not demonized, he still has dragon-level strength. He is indeed the strongest dragon emperor."

There was a lot of discussion.

They all felt that Qin Luo was righteous and upright before, and affirmed his efforts.

As for those sins that destroy cities and kill humans.

Not urgent.

Wait for the memory to be exposed before spraying, and now put away the keyboard temporarily.

Gao Wu: My Memory Was Exposed After My Death, And My Daughter Burst Into TearsWhere stories live. Discover now