Chapter 65: Su Yan Is Dead, A Letter

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in the light curtain.

at this time.

Memory screen playback is accelerated.

With the birth of Qin Qianqian.

Watching Qin Qianqian learn to walk and calling out "Baba, Ma Ma", Qin Luo felt the long-lost warmth again.

He has a second daughter.

Qin Qianqian's arrival made Qin Luo and Su Yan very happy.

Although this daughter's identity is a bit strange, Qin Luo didn't care.

He and Su Yan took care of Qin Qianqian wholeheartedly. The two adults and one child spent countless long nights in the wilderness.

Only the system is in Qin Luo's body, ruthlessly complaining: [Women will only affect the speed at which the host draws the sword, this child must be another white-eyed wolf. 】

Qin Luo ignored the system's complaints.

Time passed slowly, and three years passed in this way.

Qin Qianqian is also three years old.

Due to the inconvenience in the wilderness, Su Yan decided to take her daughter back to Nanjiang City.

That is the city where she grew up, and there is also her home.

In three years, she should go back and have a look.

Obviously, Su Yan is not only responsible for Fan Qianying's promise, she really treats Qin Qianqian as her daughter.

Take good care of her and give everything to Qin Qianqian.

Qin Luo also agreed.

Su Yan has been living in the wilderness for too long, she should return to the human city.

He didn't want to tie her to the wilderness for the rest of his life.

Maybe one day, he will also return to the human world.

Qin Luo sent Su Yan away.

But Qin Luo didn't know that at this time, it would be a goodbye after one year.

The warmth and happiness he got only lasted for three years before leaving him completely.

The cruelest thing in this world is probably to die.


in front of the light curtain.

People watched Qin Luo and Su Yan parting.

From acquaintance, to union, and then living together.

Although it's only been a few years, this relationship has really touched many people.

According to what Qin Qianqian said, Su Yan was persecuted because of her union with Qin Luo.

This made everyone feel a little embarrassed.

But equally unbelievable.

How could people from two hundred years ago really be so ignorant and corrupt?

Just because Su Yan chose a demon clan, she was forced to die?

And the higher-ups of the Martial Arts Alliance also have some doubts.

According to Qin Qianqian, the person who killed Su Yan was not only Qin Luo, but many warriors and civilians in Nanjiang City had an unshirkable responsibility.

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