Chapter 25: Without Understanding, Let Her Be Determined And Brave

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in the light curtain.

All is dusty.

Xiao Menglan was hugged by Qin Luo and fell into a deep sleep.

Her expression was calm, as if nothing had happened, and she was still cute and innocent.

It seemed that everything just now was a dream.

And Qin Luo stood quietly on the snow.

Through the light curtain, people seemed to see that this man was completely different.

First of all, the aura on his body was less upright and sunny, and more gloomy and evil.

Such an expression, such a face...

"Dragon...Dragon Emperor!"

"The future Dragon Emperor has already been born."

People panic.

Because Qin Luo's current appearance has already matched the fierce dragon emperor who slaughtered the world in their impression.

At this moment, everyone was pale and their legs were shaking.

But soon.

People thought that the Dragon Emperor had already died and died in the Falling Star Tower, and then they quieted down.

Everyone returned to the light curtain.

Following Qin Luo's guidance, he transferred the demon bloodline from Xiao Menglan to himself.

this moment.

The truth is revealed!

Everyone saw Qin Luo's purpose and was stunned.

The whole place was silent.

It turned out that Qin Luo tortured Xiao Menglan in order to transfer the demon bloodline from her to himself.

He... is to protect Xiao Menglan?

Is it all like this?

In the entire branch of the Martial Arts Alliance, countless people saw this scene and pondered for a long time.


And Qin Menglan also raised his head and stared blankly at this scene.

Is that so?

What is the purpose of the father?

Do not!

not like this.

Qin Meng burst into tears. When she was a child, the memories of those tortures were extremely cold, and they still existed in her mind.

She had repeatedly and heart-rendingly questioned Qin Luo, what was this for.

But Qin Luo had a cold face and said, "You are just a burden. I have been raising you for so long.

At that time, these words were as cold as the snow in December, which made Xiao Menglan completely desperate and her heart collapsed.

At that moment, she was heartbroken.

After being abandoned by Qin Luo.

No one knows how she was alone, crying and crawling, out of the wilderness and back into the human city.

Along the way, she went through hardships and even encountered countless monsters with green eyes that were also hungry.

She endured her hungry stomach and struggled, using her small mouth, like a beast, to pounce on the monsters to death.

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