Chapter 83: Daughter Burst Into Tears, That Touch Of Pity

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"You come back, I don't want you to die."

"Even if you are a monster, I won't care."

"I want to see you."

in reality.

Seeing the last words of Long Linger, there is also the figure of determination.

Qin Meng Lan couldn't hold it any longer and cried bitterly.

When she saw that her mother, because of her identity as a demon clan, did not see her for the rest of her life, so that she could live in the sun and not be spurned by others.

Qin Menglan's heart collapsed.

Even though her mother is a demon clan, her love for herself can penetrate from the memory picture.

She hated herself again.

Demon clan, what about demon clan.

Her mother is a monster, but when she was imprisoned, she missed herself day and night.

How much she must miss, miss herself.

Really disrespectful.

And adoptive father Qin Luo...

Because of her identity as a demon clan, she killed him with her own hands with resentment, and she really deserved to be struck by lightning.

What right does she have to hate her father.

Just because of this ridiculous demon bloodline?

"No, it shouldn't be like this."

Qin Meng Lan shook his head and shouted.

"Wrong, everything is wrong."

"Why is this happening, father, mother, when you come back, I swear, I won't mind any demon clan."

Qin Menglan completely collapsed, kneeling on the ground and weeping, screaming heartbreakingly, every word weeping blood.

Everyone around looked worried.

Someone tried to comfort him: "Menglan Martial God, that's not the case. Qin Luo was completely degenerate in the end. He destroyed countless cities. You are doing this for the entire human race, killing relatives with righteousness. You did nothing wrong."

"His evil deeds are numerous, and there are countless people who died in his hands. His fate is many, and everyone regrets it, but his death will only make the whole world better."

The people around nodded.

They all admitted that Qin Luo sacrificed a lot for his daughter, but he became the devil in the end. People sympathized with him, but he must be eliminated.

And Qin Meng Lan turned a deaf ear, still heartache like a twist, tears like rain.

"But, that's my father, who takes care of me in every possible way, loves me in every possible way, and has always guarded my father silently."

"Even the bloodline of the demon race that led to his final fall came from me. What right do I have to blame him, I really hate myself."

"Anyone can kill him, but only I can't, do you understand?"

"Father, I'm really sorry, how can I make up for all this, father, come back."

Qin Menglan knelt on the ground and cried so deeply that her heart felt like it was about to split.

Gao Wu: My Memory Was Exposed After My Death, And My Daughter Burst Into TearsWhere stories live. Discover now