Chapter 2 ~Moving Out~

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Hi Readers,

Thank you to those who clicked on my book to have a read, i really appreciate it.

Another small chapter, but i will update another chapter tonight.

=) <3


The morning sun streams warmly into my bedroom filling it with light. I slowly open my eyes and the memories of the last few days come flooding back. I want to stay in bed and I don't feel like eating.

The room suddenly begins to feel small; I feel my body shake and my breathing quickens, I had to get out. I spontaneously booked a one-way ticket to America.

"Luci! I've made some lunch sweetie, why don't you come down and try to eat something, you haven't eaten in days" mum yells. I ignore her and finalize my ticket. I go have another shower and got dressed.

My mum swings the door open "Luci did you hear me?" she looked at the bed and her eyes widen, "You want to leave? What is that going to solve, why don't you stay and I can help you".

I look up to her and smile, my mum has always been the type to shelter me from everything, I was lucky to be able to live on my own, but I had to live within a 15minute commute from her.

"Yes mum, I think I need to leave and start a life away from here", She looks at me with confusion, I know exactly what she is about to say. "Don't say anything mum, I need to do this". She looked up at me and smiled. I'm glad that she isn't saying anything else and being supportive. "Mum, could you take me back home, I will need to pack some clothes and start to organize moving my stuff out to finding tenants.

We arrived to my apartment, it's a mess, dishes everywhere, clothes all over the house, "ah typical Luci, always a mess before you go out" wow I am messy? well I couldn't have done this myself Mia would have been here too.

Me and mum start to clean the apartment, she grabbed the dirty clothes and bagged them. I opened my suitcase and packed the rest of my clothes inside.

"So where have you decided to move to?" I poke my head from the bedroom door "America" there was a moment of silence. "We are going to need to organize some boxes to get the rest of my stuff, and I'll put it for rent as a fully equipped apartment" I say breaking the silence. "Yes, good idea honey, I think we may have some boxes at home I'll go get them".

"Lucinda!?". "Yeah?", I walk to the door to see my dad. "OMG dad, I thought I wasn't going to see you". he held me tight and kissed my head "your mother told me that you needed a hand to move, so I came past after work, I have the Ute". "Mum just went to get some boxes but I am taking everything out of the rooms and leaving it in the living room to pack" I respond.

That day we all pulled out everything and packed the Ute full of my belongings. I look around the empty apartment to make sure I didn't leave anything behind, as I was styling it ready for inspections, I notice something on the fridge, a Polaroid of me and Mia, I pull it from the magnet and I closed the door behind me.

"I'll meet you at home" mum yelled from her car and drove off. I pull myself into dads Ute and buckle myself in while he closed up the tray. "Ready to go?" I turn to him "ready". As we drive away, I look back out the rear window and watch my apartment disappear into the distance, I've had fond memories of that place but it's time to make new ones.

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