Chapter 3 ~My Last Dinner~

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We unload the cars and place everything in my bedroom, "So, kiddo, why are you moving out. I thought you would have liked to be back there alone and away from mum?" I laughed and looked at him "you know me too well. I think I need a change dad; I don't want to be here I need to go on my own and start anew".

I knew deep down that my dad would support any choice I made, he was the one that helped me move out of their home in the first place. "I am proud of you; you will do great wherever you go".

I begin to sort out what I would take with me and what I would leave, I didn't want to take much as I would buy new stuff when I got there. "Dinners ready" mum yells from down stairs. As i sit for dinner i find myself hungry but not able to eat, I take a few sips from my drink and place it back on the table. "What's wrong honey?" I look up to both my parents. "Nothing just not hungry" and I look back down to my plate.

"Excuse me" I get up from the table and run up to my room. I look out my window to the view of the sun setting over the mountains, its calming and fills my body with peace. As i step back from the window, i notice a boy standing in the middle of the street looking up at me. he is still and his arms are beside him. As I approach the window to get a closer look he turns and runs off down the street.

That was weird, what a strange boy. Knock, Knock. I turn my head and in walks dad with a tray of food. "I know you may not be hungry but you need to eat. I will leave it here and come back for it later." He leaves the tray of food on my bed, blew me a kiss and closed the door behind him.

I sit on my bed and open my phone, cast Beauty and the Beast to my television and nibble at my dinner. My dad left me a note "here is something sweet just for you in case you didn't want anything healthy" he bought me my favorite chocolates.

I had one more day left with my family and I would be leaving on a plane to another country. I wasn't leaving much behind besides mum and dad; I didn't have a boyfriend and my best friend is gone. The thought of not having my parents with me draws me to stay here, but if I don't do it now I never will. I just wish It didn't have to be under these circumstances.

I must have fallen asleep on top of my bed; the tray is still here and I've been covered with a blanket. The house is quiet and no one is awake.

Usually, my mum is the first to wake and have breakfast started but I don't hear the clanking of dishes or the smell of bacon frying. I take the tray down stairs and place it on the table, I see my dad has fallen asleep in front of the tv and mum must still be in bed.

I go to the kitchen and start breakfast. bacon and eggs with pancakes today, we will eat my favourite breakfast not some healthy yoghurt bowl that mum makes. "Mmmm the wonderful smell of a yummy unhealthy breakfast" my dad says making me jump out of my skin.

"Good morning dad", i turn to grab mugs and pour some tea, but my dad had beat me to it. Moments later mum walked into the kitchen, she was dressed in her gym clothes. "You do gym now?" I look at her burrowing my eyebrows.

"I go for a walk every morning to keep myself fit". I nod my head in agreement and finish plating the food. I sit next to dad and we dig into our meal. Mum looks at us and shakes her head.

"What" we say at the same time, she laughs. "it's crazy how alike you two are". We look at each other not knowing what she was talking about and continue our breakfast.

"So, are you all packed kiddo?", "Sure, am dad, I can't believe that I'm actually doing this I'm going to start a whole new life or should I say experience.". my parents smile "we know you will do great honey and it's going to be hard to say goodbye, but we will always be in touch." My mum kisses my head and whispers "I'm going to miss you" and heads up stairs to shower. "She isn't the only one kiddo, it's not going to be the same here without you". I hug my dad tight he kisses the top of my head and demanded I go finish packing.

I hear a ringing outside of my room and my door flies open, "kiddo I have to go, emergency at work I will see you later. I promise I will be here when you leave for your flight" and he runs out of the house. My dad has always been a hard worker.

"Do you need any help or you're all packed?", my mum sticks her head in my door. "All packed and ready to go". "What do you want to do for your last night?" I had no idea, deep down I wouldn't care if we stayed home. but that night we went mini golf and it was the best last night ever.



a little longer then the first two, but please hold in there it will get better.

a huge thank you to anyone who has continued reading the book.

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