Chapter 8 ~My Sudden Outburst~

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After the first chapter I put the book on the coffee table and went to bed, that night I had a dream of his face.

The next morning i ran some errands and arrived back home to once again a line of screaming women waiting to have their copies of their books signed while telling him how big of a fan they are and that they love him.

As i step out to cross the road an Audi passed in front of me, I stare at the window and a pair of beautiful hazel eyes follows me as it drives past. I push my way through the crowed and walk up to my apartment.

Stepping through the front door my head started pounding, my eyesight was fading and I couldn't stand the sounds outside. I took something to help the pain and went to bed. The next morning, I was still feeling the aftershock of my painful headache, I had a warm shower some breakfast and sat on my bed, I grabbed the book and read the next chapter.

It's now 11am on a Sunday and once again the screaming girls are outside the book store. you have got to be kidding me. At this point I've had enough of these people and my head still hurt. I jump out of bed put some shoes on and stomp my way over to the book store pushing past everyone in the line until I get to the author.

"What is wrong with you, can't you control your fans?!, all they have been doing for the last three days is scream their lungs out and it's driving me crazy, not to mention I have splitting headache".

The words just spill from my mouth before I could think about what I was going to say. I look around and everyone is staring at me. what are they looking at? I looked down, i was so angry that I ran out in my pajamas with no bra on, messy hair and fuzzy slippers.

He looked at me with a blank expression, his eyebrows raising and his mouth falls open. The bookshop owners pull me aside to speak about my uncontrollable outburst. After our discussion they politely asked everyone to quieten down, and I done the walk of shame back to my apartment. The whole day I stayed inside hiding, avoiding windows and knocking my head against the wall, I made the biggest fool of myself.

After some lunch i open my emails and go through all my rejected job applications besides One, I have been asked in for an interview at a small publishing office. They have sent me a list of items I had to provide on the day as well as a portfolio of some sort.

The interview was scheduled for Friday so I had enough time to go shopping and get the portfolio together. I take more pain killers and head out, i walk my way to the mall, I buy myself some new dresses, skirt and shirt sets along with new shoes and Five lingerie sets. I purchase myself a drink and walk home.

When i arrived home the line had cleared and there was now peace. i printed the list from my emails and began organizing my portfolio. I planned my outfit and placed it neatly inside my cupboard, i started my night routine and finish my night reading over my started but unfinished book before falling asleep half way through it.

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