Part 40 His awake

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After an hour of pacing up and down, I finally walked into the room and sat beside his bed. "Hey Elliot, it's me Luci, I don't know if you can hear me, I'm sorry I haven't come to see you, it's bringing back a lot of emotion from my incident. It's only been 2 days now, and it feels like weeks that you have been here. I bumped into Jasmine yesterday she's in bad shape, but Arlo fixed her. surprise, it's his sister. Anyway, I told her to stay away from you as she confessed to me what happened, then Arlo overheard her and it was all over, don't worry, I stayed out of it this time. Umm, I don't know what to say. Why did you go off with her? Instead of staying with us, you wouldn't be here right now. Instead, we would all be at my home enjoying our days together as a family. I won't get angry or blame anyone, I just wish you would wake up. I will visit again soon. "

I kiss Elliot on the head and walk out to find Christian waiting for me, "I'm ready to leave when you are."Just a moment I need to do some checkups on Elliot, then we can go." I sit in the waiting room, waiting for Christian to finish. We are finally home and hungry. The ladies had lunch ready, and everyone was getting ready to eat. I looked around and couldn't see Arlo. He must have gone home.

I go to my room to freshen up, and Arlo is sitting on the balcony, "Hey, you're still here."Yeah, I don't have work, and I don't wish to go home. Jasmine is there still." He grabs my arm and pulls me down onto his lap. "How did you go? Did you manage to go into the room? I had a feeling you would have gone there. And I am proud that you got the courage to go. Usually, people who are important to a patient's life can help them recover, and maybe your friendship can help him pull through. "

He runs his fingers through my hair and pulls me into his lips, when our lips touched it felt like fireworks, the feelings running through my body where so strong that I opened my eyes and pulled my head back. I am panting while looking into his eyes.

"You felt it too, didn't you?" he said to me while staring back into my eyes. I nod with a huge smile across my face. "Omg, it feels like fireworks, like there is a spark here waiting to be lit." Arlo wraps his arms around me and pulls me into his chest.

"Come on, you guys, lunch is ready, and we want to eat." Lily is screaming and banging my door with her fists. After lunch, Lily and I headed to the office to get some work done, we had meetings to catch up on and video conferences to attend. "Luci, I have to go to the hospital with Christian, I'll see you later." Arlo whispered, and I ran over to kiss him goodbye.

Finally, after hours of meetings, it's over. Lucky we had our dinner up here, "goodnight, see you again tomorrow." Lily joked and giggled her way back to her room. I changed and slept for the night. "WAKE UP! OMG, WE ARE GOING TO BE LATE, Luci wake up omg we slept in the meeting starts in 5 min. " "Ahhgg, go away. I finally got some sleep, and I have to wake up early." I grab the closest pillow and throw it at her. "I don't care, it's already 9.30am get up."

I didn't even bother changing for the meeting, I just threw on a fancy jacket and sat there in my pyjamas. From morning to night, colin brought us breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Our final meeting finished at 7 pm and I was so glad that it's over. Taking on this new role was like helping Lily be boss, and it's tough. I'm glad that she is the CEO.

As the weeks passed, I made an effort to go visit Elliot, I sat with him and talked to him for hours, and he still hasn't woken. It's been 2 months since the accident and no changes. He's doing better each day, but he wasn't waking. When I arrive home from my visit today, I see Arlo in the kitchen, music playing, and a candle lit dinner on the table. We have been seeing each other for 2 months now, and it's been amazing. I walked up to him and wrapped my arms around his waist. "What's the occasion?" he turns and hands me a glass of wine, He kisses me softly."I just got news, Elliot woke up today, but he won't be released for a few more weeks. Cautionary measures." A smile overcomes my face."Oh my, that is great news, that's why my house is so quiet and we get some time together. " He looks at me "yeah finally, they have a perfectly usable house next door. Why don't they use it instead of here?"

Arlo makes a good point the Reynolds could sleep in their house next door, but they don't, I think they are being cheap and using me so they don't have to pay for the bills. "When everyone comes back later, I will make sure to tell them to go back to their home, or I will start charging them half of the bills. I'm sure that will make them go. " "Let's hope so." We sit for dinner and enjoy a peaceful night, just us two.

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