Chapter 12 ~ Dinner~

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Its morning the sun is shining bright through my window warming my room. I open my laptop to check my emails when my phone starts ringing. "Hello" "Hey Luci its Rebecca from GR Publishing, we would like to invite you back for a meet and greet, how does today lunch sound?

My jaw drops and my eyes widen in shocked. I try to respond but I was still in utter shock. "Umm, I- I yes, I am free and I'll see you at lunch. Thank you for calling back." I managed to say. I end the call and throw myself down on my bed and scream into my pillow with excitement.

Then it dawned on me, what am I going to wear? I have nothing and I need to leave in 1 hour. I have a shower dry my hair curl it, do my makeup and decide on an outfit. I wear a knee length pencil skirt with a white top and a light jumper. I grab my bag with my laptop, a pair of heels, and run down to catch my Uber.

I arrive to G.R Publishing and I'm waiting to be seen by Rebecca. My hands are shaking and my leg won't stop tapping, a million things are going through my mind right now, like what if they reject me, what if they have questions about my book.

"Luci", my name is called taking me out of my trance. I look up and I see Grace I jump to my feet unable to talk and follow her to an office.

"Luci, Are you ok? You seem speechless" well I am honestly but what do I say to her. "Grace, you work here?" what is going on right now? Graces gestures for me to sit on the sofa inside the office, the windows over looked the city the desk was set with a windows computer and furnished with book shelves and beautiful illustrations hung on the walls.

"This is your office Luci, we would like to trial you, and it's for 3 months. If you complete your job efficiently and within requirements, we will review your work and make a decision whether we continue your employment or not" Grace is standing in front of me with a smile on her face when I see Aiden come around the corner and enter the office.

"Oh, there you are, hello Luci." 'Uh hi" I mumble back now in even more shock. I pass and close the door. They are looking at me oddly. "What in the world is happening right now, you own a publishing office? No wonder you knew I had an interview, did you both read my manuscript? Hold on, i am not charity if this is what this is I won't accept it" I open the door to leave but Aiden pushes it out of my hands and it slams shut.

"First of all, this is not charity, yes we read it and it was great and yes grace knew about your interview, so did I and we are both glad you applied even though you may not have the full extent of experience needed, but your book showed otherwise, you are a great writer and we could see the potential, so you got this on your own merit."

I look around the office once more trying to imagine myself here, i felt comfortable. Grace and Aiden look at me patiently as I assess my soon to be office, "Well show me around" I say and graces smile widens "with pleasure" she responds. I leave early after graces gave me the tour, I met some lovely coworkers and looked forward to coming in tomorrow to start a proper day of work.

I exit the building and see Aiden standing there with his car door open waiting for someone, i look up at him, smile and start to walk away to call for an Uber. I feel a hand grab my arm, "Where are you going?" He really has a habit of touching me. "I'm going to call an Uber to go home, have a nice afternoon" I reply bluntly and turn to walk away again. "Please join me, I will take you home, besides I have to give you back your clothing that grace borrowed".

I look back and forth between him and the car, panic starts to overcome me and I start to hyperventilate and my hands are shaking. I'm starting to feel faint and disorientated and I go blank. My mind is dark why can't I see anything. I can hear a man's voice screaming "Luci, Luci are you ok can you hear me".

A few hours later I wake up in my bed. My clothes are changed and my room has been cleaned. I sit myself up in bed and take a moment for my senses to catch up with me. I slide out of bed and walk over to the mirror, I can hear some sounds from my kitchen so I open my door and walk down the hall to the lounge room.

My table is set for two, my apartment is clean and there stands Aiden in my kitchen wearing my red and white heart decorated apron cooking dinner. "What happened" I asked, Aiden jumped flicking sauce from the spoon in his hand, its landed all over the floor making a red trail up the cupboard doors. "HOLY FUCK LUCI, you scared the shit out of me"

I giggle into my hand waiting for him to respond. "I offered to give you a ride home and you started to have a panic attack I assume, your breathing quickened, you went pale, cold sweats then you fainted. You gave me quite a scare I've never dealt with anyone who has panic attacks before. I brought you home changed your clothes and put you in bed. And now cooking dinner I'm sure you will be hungry"

"Thank you" I respond. I sit on a stool and watch him cook, "I've never had panic attacks like this before, yes small ones that I can control with breathing, but not too this extent. it's only been recently in the last few months that it's come on, I'm new to learning how to deal with them or find ways to keep calm or calm myself when one starts", I continue to explain. He turns to me and looks at me staring into my eyes, my mind blanks and I start to relive a memory.

Omg where is he, why does Mia insist on setting me up on these dates. This has to be the third time that someone has stood me up without being decent enough to tell me the truth. "Miss you have been here for an hour and have not ordered anything I'm sorry if you don't order anything I will have to ask you to leave", "ok i'm sorry I am hungry I will order a risotto and a glass of your finest wine thank you."

"Luci hello, earth to Luci" I feel my body shaking. I am pulled out of my trance and pull my hands up to cover my mouth. I look up to Aiden his face blank mouth open eyes wide. "Are you ok? Why the look on your face" I thought you were about to faint on me again what was that" he said frantically. "I-i- I had a memory or a flashback but I'm ok now don't worry".

We take a seat at the table and get ready to eat. the table is set with bread rolls, fruit, a bottle of wine, water and a serving of seafood risotto. Wow I haven't eaten this good since moving out of my mum's place. "this risotto is amazing" I compliment him and he smiles." Luci, can I ask you something". "Umm sure" I reply. "Why haven't you finished your book?" I pause still with the spoon in my mouth and my mouth full of risotto. "Something happened and I wasn't well enough to continue it" I respond keeping it short.

"Thanks again for dinner. Let me clean up you did cook such a great meal I couldn't let you clean anymore then you have already", I try to change the subject. I get up and clear the table, clean the kitchen and put the kettle on to make tea. "Well, I must be off, I'm glad you're better, if you still feel unwell you can have the day off and come to work the day after. If not, I will see you soon." He leaves my apartment leaving me in shock over his kind and surprising gesture.

I open my book to see if there is a reference to the memory I had. There is a chapter called DINNER. I continue to read

(It's a beautiful night its warm the sky is clear the stars are out and the moon is bright. You look beautiful tonight Noah says as he grabs my chin and kisses me on the head. I blush, what's for dinner I ask him while I run my hands up and down his back. Lasagna, he says as he raises his eyebrows. I giggle and grab my wine glass taking a sip before placing it at the table. "BABE" I hear Mia scream from outside while she vapes her lung out, "is dinner ready".

I look over at her and back at him. "Noah you are my best friend but how the hell do you deal with her yelling like that"? I tease him and yell back at Mia "DINNERS READY GET YOUR ARSE INSIDE". I look over to Noah and wink, his shaking his head at me and I laugh.

As the night goes on, I look over at these two love birds, they are so cute together it's too much to handle so I grab my wine and sit outside. Moments later Mia joins me, "hey guess what, do you remember the holiday house your parents use to have, the one on the beach and that cute neighbor" yes Mia I remember what about it. I found him on online and his HOTTTT! She replies while fanning her face. I don't want to know and neither should you, you have Noah and his cute enough.

Hmm Noah, I wonder who that is. The book wasn't any help in identifying my memory but it had given me a name, Noah. I turn off my lights, jump into bed and message my mum "Are you awake"? While waiting for her response I fell asleep.

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