Chapter 18 ~Spank Me~

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Alone, it was a cool summers night the crisp air blowing through the glass doors of the house, the fire place is burning bright and warming the lounge room, we are all here ready to watch tonight's movie, Mia chose to watch Sleepover and I was excited as much as she was, this was our favorite movie, Me and Mia were cuddled up together with the best view of the tv and everyone else found their spots around the room.

"This is the best night Luci, I love this movie" Mia squirmed "It sure is, and this IS the best night, I'm having so much fun". We got to about half way through the movie and Mia had shifted over to Noah, he has his arm around her and the other hand on her face, eww are they kissing, come on Mia we were going to watch this together.

Lily was with a boy who was friends with her brother, and she is flirting with him something bad, her brother, gosh what is his name again E, El umm... Elliot yes that's his name. he was sitting at the end of the sofa with a book not paying much attention to what is happening around him.

And me ALONE sitting here in my blanket while everyone had someone.

The next morning, we were packing, it was the end of summer, and what was the end of summer memories. That was the last night we all got to spend with each other our last dinner, our last time playing on the beach, and the last time we would visit the cave.

i took my suitcase downstairs and left it in the hall for my dad. I went into the lounge to clean any mess left over from the night before and there on the sofa was Elliot's book it was warn, read many times and pages folded over like bookmarks, I place the book on the bookshelf and walk out.

Our parents are hugging and saying their final goodbyes, this was it, this was the end of an era, my childhood friends will never be seen again I am going back home to Australia. As we drive away, I wave to Lily until I couldn't see her anymore, I burst into tears my heart torn. This was the end of a friendship I hoped would last forever.

My memory and the chapter in book were the same but I was so exhausted I went to sleep. For the next few days, I packed my apartment, sold the furniture and organized the remainder of my belongings to be transported to the new location.

I drove down with the truck meeting them there to have the house open ready. it's a Friday and colin might still be there so if I don't get there before them someone will be there.

For the next 2 hours I drive with the windows down and the music up listening to whatever music I had liked on Spotify singing my heart out until I get into the drive way.

As I get out of my car the truck arrives behind me and Colin standing out the front with the door open. "Hey you're back, and with a truck?" he looks confused. "I'm moving in, my apartment in the city is getting knocked down in a week and I had no choice, I decided to move here".

I showed Colin the noticed and his lips press into a flat line "bastard" I hear Colin whisper from his teeth. I have no idea what that was but I'm not going to question him about it I want to get settled.

Colin helped the workers move everything from the truck into the house, paid them and came back inside.

"Oh, there gone, I didn't even pay them".

"It's ok I already did".

"Oh well here take this then it's the money I was going to pay them with, consider yourself paid back" I said joking.

I love it here, this house feels like home it's comforting and familiar, I email grace to let her know that I have moved and everything went well. We both sat for dinner, pizza this time and retired to our bedrooms.

I unpack my belongings and set them in their appropriate locations, I open the doors to the balcony from the bedroom and walk out. i take in a deep breath, I can't believe I am here, living here it's a dream come true.

I turn to go into the bedroom and I see a light flick on, I see two people, unable to make out who it could be, I ignore it and go back inside I don't wish to have another incident like the first time.

"Luci, you have a package here you must have missed" Colin knocked at my door. I shrug my shoulders close my door and open it. Inside the box a letter, sitting on the top.

it's filled with packing peanuts so I can't see what's inside. The letter reads "Luci, you're going to need this seeing as your 2 hours away and won't have anyone to help you ;) don't get mad. Grace."

I rummage through the packing peanuts and pull out a small device and some batteries "you're going to need these, your welcome". my mouth dropped open, my face has gone red and I'm looking around the room just in case someone walked in and I didn't hear it.

I put it in the top draw of my bedside table and laid on my bed looking up at the ceiling, maybe I will need it seeing as I am not as lucky as my neighbor who is now currently having sex, as I can hear them clear as day.

Why do these people open the window, aren't they worried others will hear them? I know I would be but then again, I can't remember the last time I, and my thoughts were interrupted when I hear the girl next door yell.

Colin ran to my room "did you hear that?". I smile and nod at colin, a little laugh escaped my mouth "Yeah, I did, next door is... getting intimate" we hear another yell and look at each other we both walk to the window and look out.

"One more time, I've been bad spank me again" she yells. "What the fuck" we both say at the same time and fall on the floor in laughter. We are crying and have stitches from how hard we are laughing, we couldn't stop.

It just got worse and worse their role play was like a bad porno. But then it hit me it's Aiden in there, we haven't seen nor spoken in months and I again see him like this. I close the window, "I'm going to bed, goodnight, Colin" he gets up and kisses my forehead "good night".

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