Chapter 7 ~ Screaming Girls~

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It's been a month since moving into the apartment, and I had finally finished furnishing it. I grab my laptop and look into my savings, it's taken quite a hit from purchasing the furniture, and my rent payments from my home in Australia only come once every month, I needed a job.

I open my laptop and scroll through pages and pages of job advertisements; I submit a few applications before throwing the screen down and putting my head back onto the headrest of the sofa.

My head is spinning and my body was tired, I showered and laid in bed with a book in my hand but before I could finish the first chapter, I was fast asleep.

The next day i completed my errands for the day then slipped into a blanket and turn on Netflix. I scroll through the titles in comedy and romance, I settled for The Spirit of Christmas, one of my favorite movies.

Just as it was getting to the good part, I start to hear screams and crying, I pause the movie and peek out the window to find a line of young girls their friends and mothers lined along the foot path staring at the entrance of the book store next door.

I chose to ignore the screams and continued to watch the movie, but one after the other the screams kept getting louder and louder. I pause the movie once again and march down stairs.

I confront a girl that's lined directly to my apartments front door and ask "what is happening and why everyone is screaming?" she looks at me with an open mouth and a confused look upon her face "wow, you have no idea who he is"? I shake my head "I'm sorry, who"? I replied.

The girl pulled out a book and turned it around to reveal the author, he was handsome but the photo really made him look stuck up. I read the back cover quickly and hand it back to her, "so, what's the big deal" I say shrugging my shoulders.

She looked at me again with confusion "He is the most handsome and most eligible bachelor". I laugh and she continues to look at me this time with squinted eyes as if she is giving me a dirty look. "Oh" is the only word I could say in response to her reaction.

My head began to pound and I couldn't bare the sounds of the yelling any longer, the bookshop had opened so the line began to move, I thanked the girl and rushed back inside my apartment. Before I reached the stairs the girl tugged my arm and introduced herself. "I'm Grace, here please take the book and read it, you will soon understand why these women are going crazy."

"Thank you, I will give it a go and see what the hype is about, my name is Lucinda but Luci is fine". I smile and enter my building and back up to my apartment. I throw the book on the lounge and finish watching my movie.

I make myself some lunch and open my laptop to go through the pain staking process of resumes and silly job interview questions. But something is drawing me to the book, I glance over to the book on my sofa and stare at it. An email notification sounds on my computer breaking my thoughts, my focus then turned back to the applications.

Once I had finished for the day, I made dinner and sat on the lounge staring at the book, it's faced down and a picture of the author is staring at me in the face, his handsome he has hazel eyes and a well-defined jawline, tall, short brown hair and has a smile that can draw in his prey, but he looks very familiar like I've seen him before. I open the book and start to read, from what I could make out so far this book is like a biography/Romance story.

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