Chapter 23 ~Good Girl~

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It's Friday and he hasn't shown up I was counting on him. I finally left my room after days of work and self-reflect, I sat at the table for breakfast with mum.

Bacon and eggs with perfectly cook toast, perfect that the butter soaks into the bread making it that more delicious when you add the eggs and bacon. "I'm sorry" I say to mum and she smiles "me too, I should have told you".

"Were there any childhood romances or when we were a little older?" Mum looks over to me "well from what I can remember Mia was really interested in Isaac and I think at this point they were seeing each other or fooling around". my mum winks and I laugh.

"The rest of you didn't seem to interested in relationships even when you guys hit your late teens, I did notice colin having a crush on lily but he never openly talked about it".

But why would he, she isn't his mother. "I'm sure that is something colin would have spoken to his parents about, why would he say anything to you"? my mum looks up to me with her eye brows raised "well yes, of course, yes, your right."

"I had a memory about a sleep over or a movie night, there was a boy who sat at the far end of the sofa he had a book in his hands, i last remembered it being on the book shelf in the lounge room but when I went to look for it, it wasn't there. do you remember a book being there an old second-hand book folded pages?"

Mum looks at me and shakes her head, "no I don't remember ever seeing a book like this".

"Hmm ok no worries what about a map? Do you remember me ever showing you a map or telling you about a secret location?"

She looks at me and shakes her head again "no sorry honey, you kept a lot of stuff to yourself and your friends, maybe if you find them again you could get the answers you're looking for".

Trying to find everyone is going to be harder than it sounds, Mia is gone, Colin hasn't showed and I don't even know who the rest are.



"Did I take home any books or diaries".

"I do remember seeing one but it is a current diary in the last few years not anything from when you were little"

I close the door and walk down stairs, there has to be another way I hadn't had a memory in a while and I don't know what else to do to trigger them.

"Can you get it sent down here please so I can read it?".

"Sure, ill ring dad and get him to send it as soon as he can".

The fridge was looking bare and it was time for food shopping, me and mum get into the car and we leave. On our way out of the shops I see Aiden he is dressed smart casual and has a different girl hanging off of him.

I hoped that he wouldn't be taking her home and make noise till all hours of the night, I didn't want to explain to my mum what's happening with my neighbors.

As we walk past, he looks at me and smiles, the girl turns her head and darts her eyes at me like she is giving me a deadly stare, honestly, she can have him.

My mum looks over and caught his attention, he squints his eyes in a way that it looked like he knew her.

"Do you know him, Luci?" mum asks

"Yeah, I've met him before he is the brother of my boss".

"Oh, so you have seen him in the office".

"Yeah, you could say that".

We unpack the food and settle for the day. Mum went for a walk along the beach and I sat outside with my tea.

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