Chapter 31 ~ Your Grown Men ~

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It was 1 week before Christmas and I hadn't started planning the food for the day. Mum would arrive here any minute and give me her usual lecture about not being organised, but when she arrives, we will need to make our way to the supermarket. The door rings and its Colin

"Where have you been? I was expecting you to come around but you didn't."

"I knew you needed some space and recovery so I let you be for a while".

Mum drives up into the drive way and we both wave at her "Oh my two favorite people, are you coming Colin?" he looks at me confused "shopping" he laughs and shakes his head "No you woman go and do that and I will walk around the house and do the maintenance I am hired to do". I give him a kiss goodbye and I get in the car with mum.

Three hours and many arguments later we arrive back to the house, Colin is at the front cleaning the garden and hanging some Christmas lights. He helped us carry the groceries inside then continues outside.

"I'll be back mum" and I walk to the front with a cup of water.

"Thanks, it's a pretty hot day today."

"Yeah, maybe we can hit the beach soon" he hands me the glass and I place it on the stairs.

"Maybe you can teach me how to maintain this beautiful garden, I think it would be good for me spending time out here, it could really calm me down at times." He smiles and nods.

"Sure thing, I'd be happy to give you some pointers."

I walk away and enter the house I go up to change into my swimmers and get ready for the beach.

"Come on mum they can wait. its beautiful outside and we need to take advantage of it."

"I'll meet you there" and she runs off to change.

I opened the beach chairs and place them into the sand, I walk towards the water and dig my toes into the sand as a wave hits my ankles, it's warm and inviting.

I slowly walk further into the water to about waist high, when I feel a splash of water cover my back and soak my hair. I turn around and Colin is laughing "it's nice isn't it" I laugh and splash him back just like children. He grabs me, hugs me and we both look out over the sea.

"Luci, it's been a roller coaster ride since meeting you, but you have made my days full and you keep me on my toes."

I pause "oh please don't tell me you like me" he turns me around placing his hands on my shoulders. "No, nothing like that you already know my heart is for someone else"

I forgot about that I feel silly now. "Right."

"All I am saying is since I met you, I've looked forwards to coming to the house, I have company now and someone to talk to, besides I enjoy having dinner with you, you're like a sister I wish I had". I opened my arms and he lent in for a hug.

"Getting a little to close you two" we turn our heads and see Aiden standing there. Colin was about to say something until I cut him off.

"Well, I'm sure you have been standing there long enough to know what was said so no need for jalousie".

His face dropped and Colin laughed. "I need to talk to her" Aiden waved his hand at Colin indicating for him to leave, I look at him and nod reassuring that I'll be ok.

"What do you want to talk about" I say with my hands on my hips and tapping my foot waiting for him to talk.

"I'm sorry i left you at the cave instead of walking you home, I know you tried to return the book but you need it, I have no use of it."

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