Part 44 Black out

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It's now new years and the family are back together again. I really enjoy sharing these traditions with Arlo, he is starting to become part of the family. I'm going to see Elliot and his new girlfriend, although things didn't end well between us, I hope he is ready to start a new friendship. I think to myself while looking out to the beach setting the outside table, "One year ago I loved, lost and loved gain". the guests are arriving, the food is cooking and the sun is shining. It's going to be a magical day and for once I was excited to actually celebrate.

I go down the beach and stood at the water's edge looking out into the ocean, "One year later and I have the most amazing woman in my arms, who knew I would have met someone like you so late at night and be head over heels in love". I feel a soft kiss on the back of my neck and arms wrap my body. "I love you Luci" he shifts my body to face him he grabs both my hands in his. "I am the luckiest man alive to have such an amazing, strong and loving girlfriend. You have been my rock and have made me feel loved. You are the love of my life, I want to- "he was interrupted by Lily screaming down the beach to us "Hi love birds, get dressed its lunch time!".

We go up to get dressed and met everyone for lunch. As I look around the table my heart lit up, a warn feeling flushed through my body, my heart was full, everyone is happy and the day was just perfect. Leaving our guests to finish their lunch I leave to sit on the beach, I curl my knees up and wrap my arms around them, I place my head down and close my eyes. I take in deep breaths and let them out. The sound of children playing fill my ears as I listen closely to my surroundings.

Its calming and almost peaceful, i can feel myself slowly falling asleep when I hear footsteps crushing the sand around me. A hand touches my back gently "You look beautiful and happy". I raise my head and look around, no one is there, did I dream that? "Hey baby, are you ok?" Arlo kneels down running his fingers through my hair. I look up to him and smile, "I'll be back, I need to do something" i get up and run towards the cave.

To my surprise I see Elliot sitting there, he is playing with something in his hands but I can't make out what. As I approach him, he places it in his pocket and looks over to me, "Hey" I smile and sit on the floor in front of him. His silent and I can see him playing with his hands as he watches me. "Elliot, what happened at Christmas I am sorry, I was just shocked to see you with someone, I wasn't prepared. You are allowed to be happy and I was selfish to say otherwise. I am really happy that you are and I want for us to be friends again".

He kneels down looking into my eyes, his hazel eyes glisten as the sun hits them, "I love you". The cave starts to rumble and the wall opens the compartment. He places a small box inside and closes it. He stood me up and held my hands in his, "I would love to have a friendship again with you, I can't live my life without you in it." He pulls me in for a hug and kisses my head. "WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING HERE!" a voice yells as it approaches us.

We turn our heads and see Anna and Arlo getting closer, Oh Fuck, we say and wait for them to get closer. I feel my hair being pulled and I go flying back. "What the fuck Bitch, get your hands off my man". I stood to my feet and tied my hair into a bun. Arlo stood back waiting for an answer and Elliot has Anna in his arms telling her to calm down. I approach anna with my hand in front of me. "I'd appreciate if you didn't lay your hands on me, it's not what you think." I look over to Elliot confused, "Elliot does she not know about us?" his face lit up with shock. She turns to him confused "Know about what Elliot?" He isn't saying anything, and why hasn't he told her about us, he was bringing her to our family events.

"Anna, Elliot and I have known each other since we were 7. Our families have known one another for many years, what you just witnessed was us fixing our friendship after a recent fallout. So, nothing happened." She looks to Elliot for reassurance and he nods. Once she settled, I walked up to her and whisper to her sternly "I opened my house to you and I fed you, the next time you lay a hand on me, I promise I will kick your arse till its black and blue. have some respect".

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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