Chapter 19 ~Light Me Up~

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The night is hot, I'm finding it hard to sleep and I'm sweating. I get out of bed wrap my silk gown around me and go down to the beach. I sit on the sand and look over the water at the moon's reflection distorted by ripples.

I take of my gown and walk towards the water in my bra and underwear, the water is warm like a soothing bath I keep going till its waist high and I dunk my head under the water and back up again.

I hear a door slam shut and I rush out of the water back to my gown someone saw me or watched me omg, I wasn't even thinking about my surroundings. I run back inside have a shower lock my balcony doors and try to get some sleep.

All day Saturday and Sunday was spent unpacking, I had little time to check my phone or make myself lunch. When I finally finished and rested, I saw a bookshelf, I go through the books but I couldn't find the book that I described, I wonder if anyone had moved it and why that specific book.

It was just me in the house until next week, in a way it's nice to have the house to myself but I also enjoyed the company. I ate leftovers and let myself a note to go shopping for food, went to my room and got ready for bed. It's now 11pm and just as I was falling asleep, I was woken by the sound of moaning.

This was happening daily, I was getting no sleep, I looked like a zombie and I couldn't think straight. all I could hear echoing in my ears is the sound of the constant moans. It's been a week now since the move, Colin is back and food supply has finished, we decide to go shopping.

We arrive home from shopping and start to unpack the car, Colin lifts his arm and waves, I look up at him, his smirking I look over to the direction he was facing and see Aiden, he threw his head down and ran inside.

I look up at Colin confused, what the hell was that. "I thought you two are friends he ran pretty quickly". Colin looks at me grabbing a few bags and walking inside.

I check my emails and I still haven't got a response from grace. I know she said 2 weeks but I have nothing else to do and I think working will be a great way to pass my days. I email grace, - hey grace. I'm doing well and all settled in, I know you said you will give me 2 weeks, but I am ready to work. Hear from you soon Luci-

I took the day to explore the house I've been so busy that I never took the time to look around and see if there is anything that could trigger a memory.

My last one was before the move I seem to get them when I'm stressed or passed out. I already knew that the book wasn't down stairs, the only place I would have considered was the bookshelf but I looked there and the book was gone.

I started in the main bedroom. I searched high and low through cupboards inside shelves under the bed anywhere I would consider a hiding a spot the only thing was a photo of us on the mirror on my mums dressing table. I continue to look around the house room by room leaving my younger self's room till last.

I go downstairs to make tea and sit on the deck, it's a cold day today the wind rough and the waves dangerous. I open my phone and check my emails, nothing from grace now I'm worried. I call her phone and she doesn't answer so I call the office.

"Good afternoon, GR Publishing".

"Lina its Luci is grace there?".

"I'm sorry Luci, grace had to leave the country unexpectedly, unexpectedly?

"Is there any work for me did she say?".

"No Luci I'm sorry, but it does say that you have 2 weeks free so I don't think she has anything planned."

"Thanks Lina" and I hang up.

I call my mum to check up on her it's been a few days since we last spoke and I wanted to tell her that everything is going great here at the beach house.

"Luci are you ok,

"Yes mum, just wanted to let you know I'm at the house safe".

"Ok sweetie that's good, look I can't talk right now" – I hear crying in the background and a young girl's voice yelling DAD!

"Mum what's happening?".

"Luci I will have to call you back a friend of mine is hurt I'm at the hospital" and the line cuts off.

What the hell is happening today? I needed to get out, I closed the house and walked up the beach to the cave, because of the weather it was a little hard to cross the lagoon but nothing was going to stop me.

I walked through the water waist high and pushedmy way till I got to the cave. I sit down on a rock that looks like it's beencarved into a bench and lean my back against the wall, I tilt my head up and Isee words carved into the roof "LIGHT ME UP".

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