Chapter 33 ~ Certificate Of Adoption ~

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Be prepared for a really long chapter i hope you enjoy


For the next few days leading to Christmas, I locked myself in my study and worked. in my off time I wrote more to my book. I was exhausted, hungry and my brain was failing. My door opens and hits the wall with a bang, and there stood colin with a tray of food, tea and water. he placed it on my desk and walked out.

I like that he just knows and I don't have to say anything. I regain some energy and sit back in my chair thinking about the night of the blind date. I can't believe he stood me up. I kicked my leg on the desk with anger opening a compartment. I find an envelope in cursive writing, on the front, Certificate of Adoption.

I pull out the papers, lay them across the desk and start to read.

Dear Victoria we are pleased to confirm that your application for the adoption of Colin Greyson Matthews has been accepted. We would like to have you attend the office to finalize any outstanding paperwork.

"WHAT THE FUCK" paper after paper certificate of adoption, signed paperwork his birth certificate it's all here. but he was around when we were kids, I look at the date of adoption we were much older when she took responsibility of him this doesn't make sense. I pack everything away I close my laptop and I go to my room. its Christmas eve and tomorrow is going to be one hell of a day I know it.

its Christmas morning and I wake up to a gift at the end of my bed. It has no name but a note "wear this today you will look stunning" it was a thigh high emerald green summer dress with matching shoes. It was beautiful. I get dressed put on my happy face and went down stairs.

"Merry Christmas everyone" of course they are up early and having breakfast before me.

I grab a cup of tea and start rearranging the house for our Christmas lunch, the house is all lit up, candles on, outside is all decorated its bright and Christmassy.

The house smells like mint and cinnamon my two favorite flavors, the backyard smells like meat and seafood and all these smells are bringing back familiar feelings like I have been here in this exact spot like dejavu.

Colin approaches me "don't fall on me please".

("What a beautiful time of the year viv, having our families together again celebrating. It's always a pleasure having you all around it's the best part of the year". Its Christmas our families are together it was a full house, Mia and Noah were there the house smelt great and it was lit up. Luci looks at the tree "I can't wait to light the tree". A boy grabs her hand and kisses her head "me too babe that's my favorite part" they turn to each other and kiss.

their parents laugh at them and they look up "who's smart idea was this" a mistletoe hanging on the roof where everyone will stand to watch the tree lighting. The mothers laugh, Luci and the boy walk away. "Luci, I want to give you something I know it's early but I want you to open it without everyone watching".

they walk outside onto the beach and up to the cave. Luci opens the gift to reveal a box. She opens the box and inside was a bracelet, on the inside it says "you light me up" the boy grabbed it and placed it onto her wrist. "Luci no matter where we are I love you. you will carry my heart wherever you go".

"I love you I will cherish this, I just hope we never part", our summers have been something out of a movie and to think that It may come to end. "I promise I will find you again if we ever part". They return to the house just in time for the tree lighting and to sit down for another meal with all their family and friends together.)

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