Part 38 Get to the hospital

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I woke up the next day just after lunch, and I lay in bed thinking about Arlo. He left quite the impression, and I couldn't stop thinking about him. I go down to see everyone asleep on the loungeroom floor and the tables full of empty bottles.

I begin to prepare lunch, "Good morning," a voice said softly. I looked up, and Elliott stood beside me. "Morning Elliott," I keep my response short, trying not to start a conversation that I wish not to be in.

"Can I talk to you?" I raise my left eyebrow and stare at him. Do I want to hear what he has to say, and if I do listen, can I control myself? "Umm, well, sure, I'll listen. You have till I finish cooking." I really did want to hear what he had to say, like an explanation to know what was going through his head.

He looks down at how much I have cooked, and it was quite a bit. "I'll make do with what you give me." I stand there waiting for him to find the courage to start talking, I can see he is nervous, his fussing with his hands and pushing his hair back. "Time is running out, Elliott," I say as he stares at me.

"I'm sorry, Luci, I really am, and I still mean everything I said to you. I do love you. I always have; you are my first love, but I did say that there will be challenges if we were to date. I didn't expect the challenge to arise so quickly. I'm sorry again. "

As I finish up, I feel a hand run up my arm and warm lips kiss my neck. "Good morning, beautiful." I feel my knees go weak, and goosebumps rise over my body. I looked up at Elliott, and he had disappeared, I turned around to see Arlo in all his beauty
"it's actually afternoon. You all must have had a good night, I thought you were going home?" he kisses my neck again,"your dads pretty persuasive, and I don't have work, so I stayed, and I'm glad I did. "

We grab the food and place it on the table. They must have drunk so much last night that they are still sleeping through me cleaning around them. I grab a fork and an empty glass bottle and tap them against each other. "Wake up, sleepy heads, its lunchtime" they all yell "SHUT UP!" And dug their heads into the pillows of the sofa.

"This will teach you guys not to drink so much and we have how many doctors in this house and not one could be responsible" they lift their middle fingers at me and drag themselves over to the table for lunch. I put out a box of painkillers and another bottle of wine. As they say, drink more alcohol to cure a hangover. I laugh to myself because it will probably make it worse, and I enjoy seeing them like this.

Arlo fills a plate of food for me and himself and sits next to me. Under the table, his leg wraps around mine and his hand, rubbing the top of my thigh, "Thanks for lunch." Oh man, he is so sexy and I could sit here and think of a million things I can do to him, but just the feeling of him touching me send my body wild.

"So, Lily make sure you send me over some work tonight, I would like to start getting some reading in" she nods "always working, never enjoying" she is right I work a lot but I prefer it.

We take our plates to the kitchen and take a seat on the sofa. "Luci, I would like to take you out; I would really like it if you would join me." He is so polite and so different from the men I have in my life. "I would like that." at this moment, it felt like there was no one around. It was just me and him sitting together just looking each other in the eyes, getting lost in a sea of feelings.

I find myself starting to lean into him and noticed he was doing the same. Our thoughts got interrupted when a wave of pagers started beeping rapidly. All three doctors in the house stood to their feet. "We have to go, there is a big emergency." Arlo kisses my head. "I'll call you later, or I'll come back to the house after work."

A few hours later, I get a phone call from an unfamiliar number,
"Luci, hi, it's Arlo. Are you with everyone?" I look around to find everyone sitting outside around the fire.
"Yeah, they are outside. What's wrong, Arlo?" A sudden feeling of panic hits me, and I start to shake.
"Arlo, tell me, what is wrong? Colin hears me and comes over.

"Arlo, hi, it's colin. What's happening, Luci is starting to panic."
"Colin, you need to get the girls in the car and bring them down to the hospital, its Elliot.". I see colins face drop, and he closed the phone.
"LADIES, get your bags, go get dressed comfortable, and meet me in the car. They all look at him stunned, NOW!" he yells.

They all jumped up and got ready, "colin, I don't think I want to know, but I have a bad feeling from that phone call." He looks at me. "Don't worry, everything is fine." the mothers lock the house, buckle up, and we leave for the hospital.

We arrive at the hospital and see Arlo waiting out the front for us. He shakes colins hand, and he grabs me by the waist. "Follow me." He walks us up to the IC Unit. "Why are we in the intensive care unit, Arlo? Viv's voice is Shakey.

When we get to the room, Dad and Christian are waiting outside the door. Arlo had me in his arms, standing behind me. He pulls me, colin, and my mum away from the door. "Stand back, guys, please, you will need to give them some space." I look over to my dad and Christian, "Christian, what is wrong, tell me." Lily is pacing up and down with tears coming from her eyes.

"Viv, my dad said. Elliot was involved in an accident, he came into the hospital in a bad condition, we had to operate. He is stable but resting. " Viv looked through the window in the door and saw her son surrounded by machines and medical equipment. She drops to the floor, but her husband grabs her.

She is weeping and collapsing, Lucy is crying into colins chest, my mum is shocked and speechless. And me, Numb. Arlo is holding me tight, allowing me to lean into him. "Are you ok Luci". I look up to him and nod. "I think we need to give the family some time to deal with the news, this wouldn't be easy for them to hear."

We walked them over to the units private seating room and gave them the time they needed. Me and Arlo went down to get everyone drinks and some food, and it looks like we will be here all night. When we got back, Lily and Viv were in the room with Elliot. Lily is crying over his arm, and Viv is crying over him. It's a hard scene to see, but it's the reality of the situation. My mum and dad went through it not long ago.

They were great support for Christian and Viv. They needed their friends more than anything in this hard time. I go over to Lily and give her a hug, "I know you won't believe me till you see him awake, but it's going to be ok, he will wake up, he is strong, Elliot won't go without a fight and he has a lot to fight for." Lily nods and goes back in the room with Elliot.

"Kiddo, do you want to see him?" I look through the door over to Elliot, laying in the bed in the exact position I was in months ago. I look around the room, and everyone is looking at me. "Sorry, I can't do it today. This situation is hitting too close to home, dad, I can't." He pats my back. "That's ok, Kiddo, when you're ready."

Arlo turns me around, "close to home?" he looks confused trying to process my words. I pull him into the hallway away from the others. "Months ago, before I moved here, I was in a car accident, and I lost my best friend and my memory. It's only till recently that Elliot helped me get it back. I remember everything from my past, and those people are a big part of it. "

He looks down to me and pulls me in for a hug, "Well, we met at the right time, and I will be around for you." I look up to him, and he leans down and kisses me quickly on the lips. "Go be with your family; I will be with Christian and Robert.

I stood there shocked that he kissed me. We had only known each other for no more than 24 hours. But I did as he said, I walked over to my mum and sat with her in the waiting room. Christian approached, "Elliot is doing good, but there isn't much else to do, I think you guys should go home, and if anything changes, we will call you." We gather our things and head back home.

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