Chapter 15 ~Hidden Map~

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"Come on guys this way I found something".
"Elliot wait, slow down". All the children are running trying to keep up with Elliot but his much too fast, he comes to an instant stop and we all fall into him and hit the floor.
"We are here look isn't it cool, it's a cave". We all look at each other and shake our heads.
"No its just a hole in a rock". Elliot looks and frowns. "Come on then let's have a look". All the children walk into the cave.

"KIDS! Where are you, come on its late!"
"We better go I can hear the parents calling for us we can come back another time".
They all left and walked back to the house together, "Luci come on no time for sightseeing" one of the children yelled to her making luci run faster so she could catch up.
Luci runs up to her room "Come on Luci dinner". "One moment mum I'll be there in a minute". and drew a map, "some flowers here, a lagoon there, a rock and the cave entrance" she mumbles to herself whilst drawing. "Luci now!" "Ok, ok I am coming." Luci folded the paper and put it inside a book.

I'm woken by the sun beaming through the lounge room window onto my face, I fell asleep on the sofa in front of the fireplace and my laptop is still open.
I stay cuddled up on the sofa a little longer enjoying the warmth, finally after half an hour of day dreaming i dragging my body of the sofa and go pack my bags. I have a shower and bring everything back down stairs, leaving them in the foyer.

I have breakfast on the deck enjoying the sound of the waves, then something hits me. a memory or vision of a location here along the beach, I was young a teen maybe and a book with a map.
I put my tea down and go upstairs.

I open the door with a heart shaped sign hanging from it with my name on it. I walked into the bedroom, everything is untouched, still like its stuck in time.
I look around the room for a book or diary, something that I would have written in when I was younger. There was a bookshelf filled with all kinds of books from children to English literature and romance.

I grabbed my favorite book from the shelf and a note dropped out of it. I grab the paper and open it, its a map drawn by me when I was young.
It shows the location of a cave, could this be the one in my dream? It's not too far from the house.
my younger self had no idea about drawing, i scald myself.

I followed the map to my backyard and went right from there, the first landmark was a bush of flowers, beautiful bright yellow and purple flowers the same flowers that are in the garden of the beach house.

I follow the flowers further up the beach and come to a lagoon the map said to cross the lagoon and go to the next landmark, a rock looking like a heart or a heart drawn into a rock so I search for something with a heart.

"What are you doing?" a voice says behind me, I stand to my feet and look over to a Tall, tanned Green eyed handsome man in a white singlet and beach shorts "are you looking for something?" he asks, he doesn't sound American, English maybe. "Oh um- "Colin!" a voice yells from the distance we both look over and see Aiden approaching us.

"Hey Colin long time man" and they shake hands. "Yeah, it's been a while how have you been?" "Good busy being a boss, oh I see you've met Luci she owns the house next to mine" Aiden tells him and Colin looks to me.

"Well, I've got to go nice seeing you man and lovely meeting you Luci" he winks and ran back down the beach.

"what's that in your hand?" Aiden asks me and grabs the map. I look at his face assessing the map and his eyes widen. "Do you know something about this map?" I ask him, He shakes his head and gives it back to me.

He turns and starts walking towards some bushes, he pulls them away from a formation and there revealing itself, was a rock with a heart engraved into it with the letters L+E/M+N/L+C.

I looked at the map then back up to see Aiden had gone, I was alone again. I follow the last part of the map and there in front me a cave more like a hole in a wall, but I didn't find anything there besides rocks, my younger self didn't mention the purpose of this location, it must have been a place that only some of us knew about.

I walk back home again, it's getting late, I pack my belongings into the trunk of the car reverse the car out of the garage and lock up the house.

Just as I get into my car an arm blocks me and spins me around. I'm facing Aiden, his breathing deep and sharp as he stares deeply into my eyes.

His eyebrows burrow like he was trying to figure out a puzzle, I'm still and unable to move there's little distance between our bodies, then his eyes shoot open eyebrows raised and he walks away in a hurry with his hand running through his hair.

I try to get my breath back leaning against my car, my heart is pounding and my hands sweaty. What the hell just happened? My whole body was overcome with so much emotion I fell to the floor and cried. Once i settled i pulled myself into the driver's seat and drove home.



Another 2 chapters.

Working on the rest so i can upload a few more.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day,night, evening.

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