chapter 37 its a date

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Everyone is around colin to make sure nothing was broken they all turn to us and freeze, "that's him he knocked the other guy to the floor" colin said. My dad and Mr Reynolds both stand and with open arms yell, "ARLO!!!!" and they walk towards him and hug him.

"Hey, how was your shift? All good tonight. I see your home early," dad says.
"Lucky you did have the night free right place right time," Christian said.

I look up towards Arlo and shake my head. What are the odds that a random person from the beach would know my dad, which means he's a doctor. I leave them to talk, and I make a plate of food for him. He smiles at me, and as I walk away, he touches my hand.

I opened a bottle of sparkling wine and took it upstairs with me. I sit on my balcony with my feet up over the railings. It was nice to just sit back and not worry about what's happening down stairs, everyone was happy, drunk, and safe.
I didn't have to worry about Elliott and his warnings. All I had to think about was finishing this bottle of wine, having a bath, and going to bed for the night.

"Don't drink too much, it's not good for you," a voice says behind me, and Arlo takes a seat next to me. "Please don't lecture me. My dad does it all the time," he laughs and places a hand on my leg.
"Don't worry, I won't."
"So, what a night hey, I guess this is as much fun as I can handle for the night, and I've had quite the night." What did I just say? Did that even make any sense.
Oh gosh, I think I'm drunk, I take one last sip of the bottle and try not to look over to him.

"I never thought my night would turn out the way it has, but I am glad it did." he grabs my hand and pulls me to my feet, "it's such a small world, running into someone like you to only find out that I know your family. I know this is a big ask and I don't know my chances but do you think maybe we could see each other again soon?"
He's asking me out, and I have no reason to say no, I guess it wouldn't hurt to go on one date with him and see how things work out.

I can only think about wanting this moment with Elliott although I have this handsome man in front of me holding both my palms in his warm and incredibly soft hands, but at the same time colin is right I need to move on. "Sure, that would be nice." he grabs my chin between his finger and his thumb and kisses me.

Suddenly my foot gets caught on the leg of the chair, and I stumble back, separating our lips. I could kiss this man all day if I had the chance, his lips are so soft and full they are all I want. He grabs me before I fall to the floor and steadies me. "Goodnight," he whispers and walks out.

I lean over the balcony to catch my breath, and I see Elliott; he is standing by the gate he just saw everything that happened, and I felt guilty about it. But why should I be guilty he went off with Jasmine the day after he stayed with me. I salute him with the bottle of wine in my hands. I take a drink, and I go back into my bedroom.

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