Chapter 24 ~ The Boy Next Door ~

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That night I had a dream of Aiden, I wake up and find myself naked I am sure that I went to bed in clothes, i lay in bed a little longer and think back to my dream, was it even a dream? it must be, no one can get into my room and I'm sure I would have woken up.

I get dressed and go out to the beach. The sun is out and it is amazing its warming my body and my soul, I can feel all the negative wash away from me and I start to feel energized,

"Good morning, Luci" I hear someone say the voice familiar, I look over to see Aiden

"Good morning" I said trying not to make eye contact and buried my face into my book.

"Luci"! My mum is calling

"At the beach mum" I yell back.

"I must leave early your dad just called something to do with work I have to go. Oh, and dad posted the diary so it will be here soon"

I see mum out and went back to the beach. After an hour or so I went back inside to get breakfast. I turn on some music and start to dance around the kitchen, I do a little spin and trip over my feet, just before I hit the floor someone grabs me and helps me up.

"You have to be a little more careful when you're dancing you could hurt yourself". once again Aiden is here.

"Do you not know how to knock before entering someone's house". He smirks and walks past me

"Mm what for breakfast?"

"Bacon and eggs, but it's not for you, go make your own"

he turns to me moving closer to my body, he wraps an arm around me pulling me into his. "Too bad, its mine now" and he takes a bite from my toast.

What does he want and why is he here?

"Why are you here Aiden?" he finishes his toast and take a drink of my orange juice.

"Did you like what you saw last night?" Oh, fuck he saw me staring at him, what do I say I don't know what to say. "sorry" oh come on is that the only thing i could say, I am such a dork.

"Oh, hey Aiden what are you doing here"? Colin yells bringing me back to reality and stands next to me.

"Oh, you know just saying hi to my neighbor and making sure she is doing her work" and he walked away.

"Making sure you're doing your work"? Colin questions.

"His sister hired me she is my boss."

"And what is it you do?."

"I read books and give my opinion if they are worth publishing. Any way why are you here it's not Thursday or Friday".

"I had a day off from my other job so I usually just run up the beach and back home again I saw him standing there and you looked a little uncomfortable."

"Thanks for checking in but I'm ok, and please continue your day away from this house, I need to work."

The day falls and the night rises again, that night I had another dream of him. he placed his hands on my faces I lay my head into his hand and he pushes back my hair, you are so beautiful why did I let you go.

My eyes shoot open and I am sweating this is not real it's a dream. I sit up and look around, I walk over to my balcony to open the doors and I see Aiden on the beach at 2am.

"Aiden!" I yell and he turns, his been drinking.

"What are you doing, put some clothes on Luci, its cold". I ignore him, I stand in front of him looking up into his eyes trying to read his face. "What are you doing here Luci, please just got to bed". I wait for him to meet my eyes, but his looking away. I place my hands on either side on his face and kiss him.

He pulls me away from him, with both his hands on my head he looks at me breathing heavy "what the hell Luci?" I stay quiet and look at him, he puts his head on mine looking down at me I can feel his breath on my nose, at that moment I was not dreaming.

I step back out of his grip I look at him then run inside. I lock the doors behind me and I fall to the floor, I am not dreaming that was real and I just kissed him, omg what am I going to do.

I cannot face him again how stupid of me. "Luci, open the door please" his knocking I know he can see me "Luci, please open the door." I get up and walk upstairs out of sight.

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