Chapter 30 ~ The Book ~

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("Good morning Mrs Hall, Lucinda, I'm Doctor Charles Reynolds, I've been looking after you since you arrived last month.")

"OH MY GOD" my eyes opened and I sat up in bed, I just realized Dr Reynolds, OMG is he the same doctor who looked after me in hospital, Dr Christian Reynolds, and my parents know him it has to be the same doctor that my dad is talking about.

Omg, Christian and Livi lived next door and when we visited for the summer, they had 2 children.

Its morning and at this point I don't know what day it is. I think it's a work day but if it is I would have gotten work from the office and if it was Thursday were is Colin? I look at my phone its Friday, how did the days go by so quickly I feel like I have done nothing productive.

I open my emails and find my inbox full of work. I then notice an email from Aiden it was a picture taken in the dark, the sun was setting and it's the cave with a Silhouette of a boy and a girl.

Someone must have taken this photo but why is he showing me this. "This is my favorite photo but it was the last night" the message read.

I think he might have sent that to the wrong person so I ignore the message and move onto some work.

I keep thinking about what he said to me in my room, am I really alone do I really not have anyone I need to stop feeling sorry for myself and get myself together. I feel butterflies in my stomach every time I think of that night, when his around and when I think of him.

so, I have feelings for my boss's brother or I'm falling for his tricks like the girls he brings home.

I shake him off and I continue my work, I really enjoy the stories of others, the imagination of some people is outstanding and I can't wait to see them published.

Today has been a pretty productive day and it makes me feel good. I still haven't considered graces offer but I'll be sure to let her know soon.

After my days' work, I go next door to see grace the blind are open I knock on the door and wait for someone to pop their head out but it's quiet. I knock again and this time hold the handle to open the door, it slides open with no force and I walk in.

"Hello? Is anyone home" still no response. Someone has to be home, the door is open. "Helloo?, Ohhhhh" I cover my eyes and turn around.

"Luci what are you doing here why didn't you knock? How horrific I just saw Aiden naked again dripping wet from a shower and he looks wow, butterflies start to fill my stomach.

"I did knock, twice then I tried the door and it opened I'm looking for grace".

"She left last night, had to get back to the office for something"

well great why didn't she tell me oh well. "Ok thanks for letting me know" I go to exit the door and he stops me his hand on my shoulder "don't go" I stood still, my brain was telling me to run but my heart said stay.

He turned me slowly my eye still closed I didn't want to open them and still see him naked. "Open your eyes and look at me" he said softly.

"No, it's ok I'd prefer to keep them closed" I am still hesitant

"I am dressed if that what your worried about" I open one eye to peek if he was lying but he was dressed, I open my eyes and I look at him. His hazel eyes glisten under the lights I quickly move away to a book that caught my eye.

I walk towards the bookshelf and grab the book. it was old used and the pages were folded just like I remember. "Were did you find this?" he looks at me

"What do you mean were did I find it its mine" I shake my head

"I had a memory of this book it was left on my bookshelf at home and when I went to find it, it wasn't there.

"i don't know what you mean I've had this book for many years, can I have it back please".

I open the book and find pages missing, I find drawings of a girl but before I could examine them, he snatches the book.

"I'd appreciate if you didn't come to my house and start touching stuff that's not yours" i walked for the door

"I'm sorry" i shake my head and I leave, he didn't follow me. I hear the click of the lock on the door I keep walking all the way to cave.

I lay on the floor of the cave, looking up at the writing and I begin to talk. "I don't know why I was led to you cave but I will find out, you have some significance in my life but right now I can't remember what. I wish that you could give me a sign".

"Luci are you here?" I hear a voice calling my name I turn my head and I see Aiden, was that a coincident or was this my sign.

"I'm sorry Luci for getting mad it's hard for me to have others see this book" he hands me the book

"its ok Aiden I can understand just keep it" we are handing the book back and forth until it hit the ground and opened on a drawing.

It was a beautiful drawing, a couple kissing wrapped in each other's arms they are standing in a cave and a light is shining down over them.

Its raw and it shows so much emotion a love that I could feel, a love that I want, something that could set my heart alight and light me up from the darkness i am stuck in.

I look up to him, he looks at me deeply and our bodies draw closer to one another. our lips touch and our kiss passionate, he holds my head and looks at me "I love you, Luci. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it I love you with all of me" butterflies fill my stomach they are flying around so fast it making me sick.

"Tell me you love me Luci" I open my mouth but nothing comes out "I know you feel the same you have to"

"I – I don't know you well enough to say it Aiden I'm sorry, I love you as a friend, you're my boss's brother".

He huffs and throws his hand down beside him and runs away back towards the house. I am left standing there with the book on the floor. I pick it up and walk home. I knock on the door to return the book to him but the house is locked and dark.

I went home and sat inside and started looking through the book. It was page after page of drawings of events at the beach house. Birthdays, Christmas, new years and small gatherings of friends but where are the missing pages. My phone rings and its mum.

"Hey sweetie how's it going".

"Not bad mum I found the book I was asking you about Aiden had it".

"Oh, that's wonderful I hope it helps you find whatever it is your looking for. Your father told me you hurt yourself and he also told me about Christmas, have you sorted everything out?" crap I forgot about getting the invites out.

"I will get to that soon mum trying to catch up on work". my phone beeps and it's an evite, looks like grace has organized that. "we'll have a good night mum I'm going to go to bed"

"Good night talk soon".

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