Chapter 10 ~ Club Affinity~

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After my shower I lay in bed hoping to fall asleep and forget about today but the flashbacks continued, I needed to get out of the house and away from my thoughts. I open my cupboard and I pull out my Black sequence mini dress with long sleeves and an open back, I grab my shoes, bag and I head out.

As I walk down the street looking for a bar, I begin to hear a loud bass booming from a warehouse further up, I follow the music to find a club, there are posters and signs plastered all around the street leading to the club.

GRAND OPENING, Club Affinity. I look around, the streets are full of drunk people kicked out by security, a young girl vomiting on the curb while her friend held her hair back, security fighting with guests impatiently waiting in line and a nervous me contemplating lining up.

After a good amount of time umming if I should go in, I decide to line up to enter the club, I finally get through the door after a 1 hour wait and grab my wrist band. Once I collected my wrist band i walk-through the double doors that lead me into the club.

I walk up to the bar and wave down the bartender to order myself a Vodka and Orange. "Not from here, are you?" he asked, I take a sip from my drink then look up to him, "Yup, is it that obvious? been living here for 2 months now" I reply "Australian I'm guessing" I nod my head "Correct, thanks for the drink" I cut the conversation short and walk away.

I walk around taking in my surroundings I look at the chosen pieces of art that decorate the club, there are paintings of female torsos with accentuated breasts and bottoms, and silhouettes of intimacy.

The choice of décor makes the club look like a strip club, but I guess it fits with the vibe of the club. Women are grinding on random men they only met tonight and I'm pretty sure I saw a pair having sex in the darkest part of the club, I could hear some moaning as I walked past.

I walk down to the dance floor and pushed my way through the crowed to find a spot to dance, I feel a tug on arm and I turn my head. "Luci!" a voiced yelled. "Grace?" ok this is getting weird either she is stalking me or this is just a coincidence. "Are you stalking me girl, how are we meeting like this all the time" I say to her over the loud music. "I think it's just a coincidence, I'm here for the opening night of the club" she tells me. We take advantage of each other's company and dance a few songs before finding a spot on a lounge.

"Finally found yourself a friend grace" the blonde haired man said sitting himself next to grace.

I look over at who made this snide remark and find myself staring into familiar eyes. I've seen these hazel eyes before but I can't pin point where, the loud music mixed with alcohol and dopamine fill the room blocking any memory of this familiar face.

"Oh, shut up Aiden, aren't you supposed to be on a mission to find the perfect girl for tonight" she replied with a devilish smile. A laugh came from Aiden," Not tonight" he said and kissed Grace on the head and walked away keeping his eyes on me until he was no were to be seen.

Did she just say Aiden or am I imagining things?

"What the hell was that? Do you know him?" I ask grace. "Sort of" she replies, "he looks very familiar" she turns to me "of course silly you have seen him from the book I gave you" she giggled.

"No, it's not from the book, I've seen him before". Grace shrugged her shoulders and took a sip of her drink. After a few more glasses of vodka, I was ready to go home, I place my drink onto the table in front of my and turn to face grace.

"I'm going to go home Grace, I've had enough fun for one night" I grab my bag, hug grace goodbye and walk towards the exit. Just as i reach the double doors I feel soft fingers slide down my arm into my palms, a shiver ran down my spine.

I stop and look down at my hand I follow the fingers to a man beside me, THOSE EYES again! I pull my arm away, walk out of the club and back up to my apartment. I throw my bag and shoes on the floor and walk my drunk self to my bed which I fell onto and fell asleep until the next morning.

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