Chapter 36 ~Mystery Man, Arlo~

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Day after day it seems to only get worse, in the days leading up to new year's i locked myself in my room and only came down for food, if I could stomach it. Lily did manage to get me out to the beach for a few hours but I was surrounded by couples and I couldn't handle it.

Its New Year's Eve and once again my house is packed full of people, mostly friends of my parents. It's a wonderful day the sun is out not a cloud in the sky and the water is warm. The beach is full of people.

"Excuse me miss" i look up to see a handsome man standing in front of me, he is tall, tanned, blue eyes and has hair long enough you can tie it up.

"Hey Ez over here" He smiles at me and walks towards colin.

"Hey man thanks for the invitation, wow whose place is this?" colin points towards me, I get up and walk towards them.

"You're welcome, enjoy your night" I walk inside and fill my plate with some food. This is the first time since Christmas that I have had an appetite.

"You going to join us tonight out on the beach I'm going to set up the bonfire" colin whispered in my ear, I'm looking around the dining room everyone is pre occupied and I don't think I will have much to say to them at this point,

"Yeah, why not, I think I will join you tonight".

I go up to my room to get change for the fire tonight, even though its warm there usually is a slight chill in the air when the sun goes down. I swing open my bedroom and I see Elliot on my bed with his head in his hands.

I close the door behind me, "what are you doing in my room?" his head is still down he hasn't moved or twitched.

"Please stay away from Ezra, he isn't who you think he is" how dare he come into my room and tell me what to do with my life.

"Last I checked you weren't the person I thought you were either".

He stands and grabs my arms his hand squeezing tight, "please Luci, he is trouble he doesn't care about anyone besides himself."

"Why? Why don't you tell me why you want me to stay away from him? All I am getting is code talk, when will you start being honest and not hide things from me, I want the truth." My bedroom door swings open

"Luci you ready? Oh, what the hell you doing here?" oh not now, I don't wish to deal with male ego's right now.

"Tell me Elliot", his quiet

"Tell her what?" I turn to colin

"Seriously don't start shit," I look back at Elliot waiting for him to answer me. Oh, for God's sake.

"Colin why doesn't Elliott like Ezra?" colins mouth drops and he looks over to Elliott.

"Well," colin began to explain but Elliott jumped to his feet

"I'll explain it to her" his giving colin the deadliest stare you could imagine. Colin smirked and leant again the bedroom door waiting for him to explain.

"When I dropped grace off to your apartment that night and I left, I went back to the club, a fight broke out that night between Ezra and myself. He spiked lilies drink, she was blind drunk at that point and you had left her. I found her passed out on the lounge with her dress undone, my staff informed me of who it was so I found him in my club and beat him, told him to never step foot in my club or around my family again".

I look back at colin his face is as white as a ghost, if they are friends, I would assume that they would have been there at the club together. "Colin did you know about this? were you at the club that night?" his face still white and his lips closed shut. Him not saying anything it making me worry about what type of person he actually is.

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