Chapter 9 ~The Job Interview~

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Friday has arrived, my alarm goes off and I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for the day, make breakfast gathered my belongings and took an uber to the interview.

I arrived early so I went past the café on the bottom level of the building, bought myself a nice comforting tea and went up to sign myself in for the interview.

"Lucinda" they call, my head shoots up and I jump to me feet. "My name is Rebecca, if you could follow me, I will take you through for your interview" Her tone was soft and welcoming.

I follow her into the meeting room, she gestures at my chair, "Lucinda, this is Mr Quill, please take seat". I do as I'm told and I place my portfolio on the desk in front of me.

The room is large big ceiling to floor glass windows overlooking the city and artwork of previous published Books hang from the walls. I sit patiently, trying to stop my hands from shaking.

"Please tell us about yourself Luci", Mr Quill asked starting the interview. "Well, my name is Lucinda but Luci is fine, I'm from Australia and moved to America 2 month ago, I have a degree in English Literature and looking to working in publishing even if it's an intern."

I miss telling them about the accident because I don't want to be successful based on someone feeling sorry for me, my nerves began to get the best of me, and i stuttered the rest of the interview.

The interview felt like it went on for hours, they went through my portfolio and read a part of my unfinished book, asked a few more question and thanked me for coming.

I rushed out of the building pushing my way through the double doors and take in a deep breath of fresh air. "Luci!" a voice calls in the distance as I look around to see who is calling me, I notice a girl who looked familiar waving her hand at me.

"Luci, Hi, it's me Grace. I'm not sure if you remember me, I'm the gir- I cut her off with a "Ohhhhh, yes of course grace from the bookstore line, I remember". she smiles "Have you had a chance to read the book I gave you?" she asked and I nod my head. "What do you think"? I stood there, trying to think of ways to explain my feelings about a book that seemed more like a dating app then a romance novel.

"Your expression says it all" she replied and we both laughed. "How did your interview go?" she asked and my jaw dropped wondering how in the world she knew I was here for an interview. "I'm sorry what!?" was the only thing that I could say, I was shocked she knew I was at an interview.

"Oh, I'm sorry that sounded stalker-ish didn't it, I just assumed by your clothing and the fact that you're standing in front of one of the most well-known publishing offices that you were here for a job".

My lips closed and a smile returned to my face, "I'm hoping it went well, and I guess I will find out soon if I am suitable enough". My body shivered at the thought of the interview and my emotional reaction plays through my head, I had to get out of here and get home this was all becoming too much. I said bye to grace and went home.

I jumped in the shower and stood their letting the warm water run down my back, while I stood completely still in a trance of flashbacks my stomach began to churn making me feel ill, I stumble out of the shower and throw my head into the toilet bringing up my lunch.



thought id upload a few chapters as they aren't long.

I'm looking into ways i can record reading the book and uploading it, but not sure if it will work.

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Once again thank you for continuing to read my book

xoxox <3

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