Chapter 4 ~Your Crushing My Hand~

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The day has arrived I'm ready and waiting at the airport but my dad still isn't here, I don't want to leave without saying goodbye. The lady over the intercom has called my flight and gate number, its open and are boarding. As I wait with mum near the gate letting others board before me, I look around to find my dad.

It's too late, and I am the last person to board the plane, "Miss I am sorry we need you to board the plane". I kiss mum good bye and check in my ticket "No WAIT! Luci" my dad yells running towards me.

"I – am -sorry, I tried to get here as fast as I could, surgery took longer than expected". he wrapped his arms around me and gave me a kiss on the head, "I love you kiddo, and I will be sure to come visit you, you are strong and brave." I lean in once more to hug my parents' goodbye, "Miss please we are waiting on you, we need to leave."

I gave my parents one last wave and walked onto the plane, I took my seat and hoped for the best. I wasn't scared of planes but I was starting to worry about what my next action was after arriving in America.

I took my seat next to the window, I put in my headphones and I turned my music on, I lay my head on the seat and look out the window as we took off.

The lights shine bright over the city, and i whisper to myself "goodbye for now, but not forever". As we hit altitude, we ran into some turbulence, I feel a hand grip mine making me jumped from my chair, i look down to find my hand stuck underneath the man's hand I was sitting next to. "Excuse me, my hand" I say as i try to wiggle it from under his grip. His still and not moving, I can see his breathing fast. "Are you ok?" I ask. he still isn't responding I wonder if he is afraid of flying?

I grab the flight attendant as she walked past and ask for a cup of ice and a mini bottle of alcohol, my hand was starting to get numb and I need to get this guy off me, fast.

She passed me the cup and a mini bottle of scotch; with my free arm I grabbed a tissue, covered it in water from my bottle and put it in the ice to cool. "My name is Luci, you are holding onto my hand pretty tightly and its going numb, you will need to let go".

He shifted his head towards me "I can't move, I don't like planes". I took the tissue from the ice and placed it on his forehead ". I put the alcohol into the cup of ice and brough it up to his mouth, "Please have a drink of this it will calm you down". He looks down "I have something in my bag that will help with my nerves but I forgot to take it".

I open his bag "oh hell no you're not taking that you're doing it my way, now open and drink" I know I sound pushy but I really needed my hand back, it was numb and I'm losing circulation in it. A few sips later the man calmed and let go of my hand.

"I'm sorry, I really am. My name is Aiden, I don't like flying as you can tell and thank you really from the bottom of my heart,". "Its fine" I gesture with my hand; I took out a clean tissue and wiped down his head. I called for an attendant, "bottle of water please".

As I take the bottle from the attendant and look back down to my phone to change the song, our eyes meet, his hazel eyes glisten from the light above us and I feel my face get hot. "So, Aiden, what were you doing in Australia, your accent isn't from here."

That sounded a little to nosey but he basically crushed my hand under his soft but deadly grip. "My father is here on work and I came here to be with him for a little holiday I guess". "Nice" I didn't know what to say without sounding uninterested. "What about you, are you coming to America for a holiday?". I shake my head "Lifestyle change" I answer.

"Well, I don't know how much of a lifestyle change you can get in America, but good on you." I smile and turn my head to look out the window. I turn my music up a little more and closed my eyes.

Before I know it, I am asleep. (flashback) "Mia omg watch out!". "Luci! wake up" I feel someone shaking me, I fling open my eyes and Aiden's hands are wrapped around my shoulders.

I look to his hands and up to his face, he quickly removes his hands and leaves them in the air, "sorry, you seemed to be having a nightmare I was trying to waking you up". I can't believe that it would happen to me right here on a plane with hundreds of people around me. "Thank you for waking me, I'm sorry you had to see that." "No big deal". After hours on the plane, we finally arrive.

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