Chapter 11 ~LOOK AFTER HER~

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"Hi, we finally have neighbors my name is Christian my wife Livi and my children Lily and Elliot", "its lovely to meet you I'm Victoria my husband Robert and my daughter Lucinda. Go say hello honey at least you have some friends now".

"Umm hello you can call me Luci",

"I'm lily I'm so happy there is another girl, I won't have to play with my boring brother anymore".

Luci smiles and looks at Elliot, he sticks his tongue out and stomps away.

"Don't worry about him Luci he isn't that good at making friends but he will warm up".

My eyes shoot open, I have tiers running down my face and cold sweats, I just had a Flashback. I look at the time and it's 3am. I roll over and see the book I threw on the bed and the face of the author staring right at me. I pick up the book and then it dawned on me AIDEN!

I pace up and down my room trying to recall what Aiden looked like, it's been months since I last saw him and he had short brown hair, but the man in this picture and from the club, was blonde. how could I have not recognized his eyes or him, I did see him briefly when I barged into the book store and told him off. Maybe I was looking but not seeing because of the wall of anger that raged over my face. Why did I not get Grace's number?

Suddenly a loud banging noise come from my front door, I look at the time and its now 4.30am I walk to the door and look through the peep hole to see grace being carried by Aiden, what the hell is going on with these people, and he remembered where I lived? I open the door and he barged into my living room laying grace on the sofa.

He turns to me, "Look after her, I will be back in a few hours". "Um...what," before I could respond he turns and runs out of my apartment. I go over to Grace to check on her, she smells like alcohol and vomit and her skin is cold and pale.

I am frozen, I can't move and my breathing quickens. I feel panic overcome my body and my hands start to shake, her condition was bringing back memories of the accident.

After i try to calm myself down, I carry grace into the shower undressed her, cleaned her, put her in warm clothes and wrapped her in blankets. I couldn't fall back to sleep from the adrenaline, so I continued reading. I hear grace shuffle in the bed, I look over to the clock its 10am, I place the book in my hand on the side table and head into the kitchen.

I make breakfast, scrambled eggs with bacon, hash browns, toast and pancakes with orange juice, tea and coffee. I set the table for three as I recall Aiden saying he would be back for grace. By the time I finished cooking I see grace walk into the kitchen confused. Her pale white skin had gone back to her natural olive tone and her hair and makeup was a mess.

"Luci? what happened last night? Why am I here?" Grace asked. "Well, I would like to know the same thing, it was 4.30am and Aiden brought you here and told me to look after you and that he would be back." Grace shrugged her shoulders and looked at me with more confusion than I had.

"Let's eat first then we can talk about this later" I say and get her some pain killers for her hangover. Just as we sit to eat, I hear a knock at the door, Aiden barges in and rushes to grace.

"Come in" I say as he runs past me

"WHY THE HELL DID YOU GET SO DRUNK "Aiden yells at grace.

She is looking down at her plate playing with her eggs with her fork while he yells, "Why don't you calm the hell down! And speak to her with some respect, especially in my home" I snap with anger.

He stands up in my face almost like a silent threat, "don't you dare tell me how to talk to my sister, you stay out of this". he says with anger in his voice. My jaw dropped and I looked at grace. Grace is his sister the supportive girl that was at his club opening and book signing and he treats her like this?

"I don't give a fuck who you are, don't you dare barge into my home like you own it and start yelling at your sister, who you by the way left lying on my sofa and walked out of here! I was the one who looked after her last night, I gave her a bath and kept her warm and not to mention the breakfast I made for her that you are now going to eat!" I retaliate.

I see grace's face drop and look across to Aiden, I look at Aiden with a hard look on his face staring at me, I keep my anger noticeable and don't stand down, Aiden looked at grace sat down beside her and filled his plate with pancakes and bacon. I slam my cup on the kitchen bench and it shatters in my hand, I don't notice the cut and rush to my room.

A knock sounds on my door "Luci, are you ok"? a voice asks from behind the door, "go away" I reply not noticing who is asking. "Luci please I am going to come in to make sure your hand isn't badly cut". I don't respond walking over to my windowsill, I sit on the ledge with a towel wrapped tight over my hand to slow the bleeding then I hear my door open.

I make an effort not to look at who is walking towards me I just wanted to be alone so I could calm down and continue to deal with the two people in my living room. I feel a hand on my shoulder and my anger flushed away within seconds. "I'm sorry Luci, I can let my anger get the best of me. Please let me look at your hand" I open my hand and release the towel; the blood has stopped and the cut is starting to heal.

I jump of my windowsill and close my bedroom door. I then look up at the person in my room and there stands Aiden, he is tall handsome and his hazel eyes twinkle in the sunlight its almost mesmerizing, this is the first time I actually looked at his faces and took in his features.

"I am sorry, I was rude, I did disrespect my sister and you; I was just so worried about her and I knew this was the only place I could take her, I knew she would be safe". "I think you need to apologies to your sister, not to me." I say and walk out of the room. I go into the kitchen to clean my mess and find that it's been cleaned for me, so I sit down to eat breakfast.

Grace looked over to Aiden "I think we need to leave Aiden; I don't wish to take up Luci's day, I'm sure she is busy". I gather her clothes from last night and I lay out fresh clothes over my bed for her to go home in.

"Thank you for the clothes and for looking after me, I will return them". Grace said softly and smiled as she walked out the door. No words were exchanged between me and Aiden as he followed his sister, I closed the door as soon as he stepped outside my apartment and never looked back.

After cleaning the dishes i jump onto the sofa and lean my head back contemplating if I was being harsh towards him, and maybe I did step out of line. Something triggered me, the way he was yelling at his sister, it triggered a rage in me that I cannot explain.

I get up to eat leftovers, clean and have a shower, then a memory hits me. I opened my manuscript on my computer and I start to read.

I open my mail box and sort through my mail, an invitation to Mia's 30th Birthday caught my eye. As I walk up to my apartment I trip over the top step and fall face first, all my mails flies in the air and scatters all over the floor. I face palm my face and look around to see if anyone saw anything, to my luck no one did. I gathered my stuff and ran to my room. I grab my phone and call Mia, "Heeeyyyy Girrrll" Mia answers did you get my invite?" "Yes, I sure did and it looks great I can't wait" in the background I hear a male voice yelling MIA WHAT THE HELL IS THIS! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO THAT CLUB FOR YOUR BIRTHDAY! "Are you ok Mia?" I ask her as she is silent "do you need me to come there?" I ask AGAIN. Beep Beep Beep the phone shut off.

Could this be why Aiden's anger towards Grace triggered mine?



Anything in italics is relating to a memory, flashback or thought Luci has.

Thank you all. So far Light me up has 60+ reads, it means a lot to me. I hesitated and tried to think of many reasons not to upload a book online, but so far the experience has been great.

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