Chapter 34 ~ Proposal ~

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I walk back to the house and stand at the gate looking up into the glass sliding doors to see everyone sitting around the table, they are happy, smiling and full of love. my parents look like they have sorted out their issues and the Reynolds family look like a family I wish I had.

I feel a hand rest on my shoulder "come on, let's go in and enjoy the rest of the night" I turn and look up its Noah.

"I thought you had a flight to catch?"

"it's not important, you are and I'm going to help you." we held hands and we walked up the stairs into the house.

Everyone went quiet and stared at us, NOAH! All at once everyone yelled, I can't believe they remember him after all this time. I sat on the sofa and Noah sat on my chair catching up with everyone.

Elliot approached me with tea and some cake, "that is why I was late" and he points to Noah. "I have been tracking him down for a while now and was able to get to him recently, I knew you would need him, he is the answer to your questions, and it's my gift to you".

I take a sip of my tea and lay my head back looking up to the ceiling "thanks Elliot I was planning on finding him but I didn't know enough I couldn't remember any details".

He lifted my head and gave me the gentlest kiss on the lips he pulls away whispering "I love you Lucinda, Merry Christmas" and left to sit at the table with the others. It was at that moment that my stomach was filled with butterflies and all my anger had disappeared, I've never felt this way before even in my memories I could feel the butterflies.

but I still needed to know about us and the bracelet all I know is, that he makes me feel loved. Did I love him back? is that why the butterflies had returned? I walk to the table and grab his arm he looks up to me and smiles, then Lily pulled me away.

"Sorry bro she is mine I need her" she takes me upstairs into my old room and we sit on the bed. For some reason it's not cold up here it's warm and comforting.

"Wow I've never been in here before it's so... pink. Anyways look I'm sorry that I never told you who I was and the day at the book store was not a coincidence your mother did message me in advance but in a way I'm happy that she did, we got to work on a new friendship, watch each other grow as adults, I gave you a job based on your work not because of anything else and you need to finish that book. You looked after me like a sister and we were strangers, that tells me so much about you, you are pure I know it's in you. but you need to find love again, stop controlling what's going to happen and let things just fall into place. I'm sorry about Mia and I know you didn't get closure but you will. I'm glad Elliot found Noah and I promise I will be open and willing to help you, I want my best friend back and I will work twice as hard to have that again."

I hug lily and didn't let go, her words meant so much to me, I have such caring people in my life and they are all willing to show it and work on it. Lily is right and I am grateful that she gave me the job, it gave me the opportunity to have another friendship with her.

"Lily there was a book I read, it was yours, wasn't it? you knew that I would show Colin it was the only way to send a message to him without anyone knowing" she nods

"Correct I have looked for him countless times, I came to the beach house in hopes to run into him but never did, I gave up and wrote a letter when I found out you were moving down here because of my brother's stupidity I took the opportunity, I'm guessing he knows" I nod and smiles.

"I think you should go get him and fix your relationship. he needs to hear it from you" a knock sounds at the door

"Girls are you in there?" I open the door and both colin and Elliot were standing there, I hope they didn't hear our conversation. Lily jumps into colins arms and they kiss, she looks at me "I love you sis you're my best friend"

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