Part 43 Elliott and who?

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"Oh crap! Aahh!" My body hits the floor with a thud, and I am wide awake. "Are you ok? I didn't mean to wake you or scare you. " Elliot reached his hand and pulled me back onto the bed. "What are you doing here Elliot you should be at home." He looks at me and his fingers twitch.

"I don't need a mother right now thanks". "Well, what are you doing here, in my bed, watching me sleep?". He takes in a deep breath and signs. "Yesterday, there is more to talk about." I do have a lot to talk about, but I haven't even had a shower or even woken up properly. "You look beautiful, shower when we are done."

"I don't know what more to say Elliott, why did you even go with her? Why was she more important than me? This is what I'm trying to figure out? Is her pussy that good that you can't give her up? He looks over to me shocked I even said the word pussy.

"it's complicated. It's all linked to the night at the club when Lily was drugged. I wish I could tell you more, but I honestly can't. I promise that I will eventually." I nod and accept what he told me.

"So how long have you been dating Arlo?". "About 3 months or so, I feel it's going well, but I'm taking it slow, I don't want anything too serious at the moment, I can't have another heart break". He puts his head down and sighs again. Reaching for me, Elliot pulls me into his chest. "I'm sorry, Luci, I'm so so sorry. i didn't want to hurt you. It wasn't intentional at all. I do love you; I've always loved you, and it won't change. I see you in my future, I see you as my wife and we have a beautiful family. I will do all I can to make sure that you fall in love with me again and see me in your future."

I'm speechless, "Elliott I,". "it's ok. You don't have to say anything, but just know I will marry you one day, that I promise." He kisses my head and walks away. I go have my shower and start my day.

It's been months since my talk with Elliott, life got busy and last, I heard he moved back to the city, I can't believe another year has passed and we are back again Christmas day at my house. "I love Christmas and having the family together again, don't you, Luci?" Lily is so excited she has had 3 glasses of wine and is jumping around trying to get everyone pumped. "Enough wine for you, missy." I replace her drink with water.

"Boooo, you're boring," she yells, and I just smile back at her. It's a beautiful day, so we are having lunch outside, I take the food out to the table and see everyone seated and ready to go. I ran back in to grab some bottles of wine. On the way out, the bottles slipped from my hand and hit the floor in front of me. Arlo jumps up and runs to me. "Fuck babe, you've cut yourself" I can't move, I can't be imagining this, is Elliott really here and he brought a girl with him.

Everyone is looking at me, and Elliot has met my gaze, he keeps his eyes on me and I can see he wants to come over to me but he can see Arlo already at my feet. "Babe! We need to clean this up can you walk". He breaks my trance and I look down to my leg. I take of my shirt and wrap it around the cut as i hop my way into the house. Arlo cleans the wound and stitches up the cut. "Baby, you need to be more careful, I don't like seeing you hurt ok." I look at him and smile, "ok babe, I am really sorry I think I was just holding too many bottles". He places both hands on my cheeks kisses my nose "I love you" he says and then stops.

I stood up to my feet so fast and grabbed him. "You what?" I ask and he starts to hesitate. "Oh, um it just slipped out." "Say it again". "I love you Luci". "again" he places my hand on his heart "Luci Hall, I love you". I can feel his heart quicken when he tells me he loves me but for some reason mine doesn't. "I know you need time to say it, but I'm glad it slipped out, I don't have to hide it anymore and it feels like a weight has lifted of my shoulder. I do love you Luci".

I stay inside to eat; I couldn't walk far anyway. I told Arlo to go out and enjoy his first Christmas with us as a family. Everyone checks in when they dropped stuff into the kitchen. I opened prime on the tv and selected my favorite Christmas movie. "Are you ok?", I lean my head over the back of the sofa and see Elliot standing there but he was upside down.

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