Part 42 your mine

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It's been a week since Elliot returned home, I've been giving him some time to adjust. I've been busy with my life, but that isn't an excuse. Is it? Or maybe I am just afraid and don't know what to say to him. "Luci, when are you going to visit Elliot?" my mum asks knowing that something was wrong. I look to her and burrow my eyes. "His been asking for you".

I grab her hand and sit her down. "I don't know if I am able to see him mum, what am I going to say to him, I know I should be over him hurting me with jasmine but I loved him and he threw it in my face. I know it's not an excuse but- ". She puts her finger on my lips making me stop. She grabs my hand and drags me next door and up to Elliot's room. "I'll let Arlo know you are visiting him". And she leaves the room.

Elliot is sitting up in his bed looking at me, I can see his eyes look me up and down before he takes in a deep breath and lets out a sigh, "You look beautiful". He says before putting his head into his hands. "I am so sorry Luci". I sit on the mattress beside him and he grabs my hand. "I am so so sorry, I don't know why I left you for her, and then I left again only to be in hospital for weeks. I'm sorry I worried you and everyone. It would have been hard for you to deal with, it must have brought back memories."

He looks to me keeping eye contact the whole time, he is still holding my hand but only tighter. "Ouch" I yelp and he lets go of my hand. "Oh, I didn't realize I was hurting you." I smile, still not being able to find the words to say to him. "I still love you Luci, you are the love of my life, you are the only girl I want. And I know you don't believe me but I will work on our relationship until I have you back. I made a huge mistake by going off with jasmine. But I promise if not now, or in a few years I will get you back."

Just as he finishes and I stand up beside the bed, finally finding the courage to say something back, Arlo walks through the door. "Hey man, good to see your doing better" and they shake hands. Perfect timing, or was it? I still haven't spoken a word to him and I have so much I want to say, but with Arlo in the room I couldn't. "Yeah, it's good to be back home". He responds while their handshake goes on longer than it needs too.

Arlo puts his arm around my waist and kisses my head, "Dinner's ready". I nod "could you give me 5 minutes I'll be right there". He kisses me again and leaves. I watch as Arlo walks down the stairs, and then I rush over to the window to make sure he actually left and isn't going to eaves drop. Elliott had his typical smirk on his face as he is watching me, watching Arlo go home. "Don't trust him I see". I giggle and turn to him. "It's not that". I sit on the bed next to him "some things are private". He grabs my hand and interlocked our fingers. His touch makes me calm and it feels safe, I start to play out the words in my head. "Are you ok?" he asks bringing me back to reality "yeah, I just don't know where to start." He pulls my hand laying me down next to him "just talk".

It felts so nice being next to him again, he has his arm around me and I can feel his breath flutter over my head. I take a deep breath and continue. "I can't believe you did that to me, you told me you loved me and you have always loved me and we had the most incredible night and you leave me for another girl, when I saw you my heart broke, I felt like you lied to me and everything you did to help me get my memory back was all for nothing". He is silent, frozen almost. He has tears running down his face.

"I trusted you, and everything you told me. I started to fall for you all over again before my memories came back to me, I started to fall in love with you Elliot and at some point, I could imagine my life with you. But now, now I can't see you there." I start to wipe away the tears from my face, I get up off the bed and look at Elliott, has been crying so much that his eyes are red. He hid his face under the blankets and isn't saying a word.

My phone went off, it was Arlo, "I need to go" and I walked back home. "How did it go?" mum asks. I look at her and shake my head, and she sends back a nod. We all sit for dinner. Tonight, we got to have dinner with my dad. His work at the hospital was getting busy, so I haven't been able to see him. We take the night to catch up. That night, all I could think about is Elliott, I need more time with him.

"Arlo, do you mind if I go and visit Elliott? I feel as if you're getting defensive." He looks down to me and rises my head using his finger and thumb. "I know you two have a past, and yes, it's hard to get past that, but I respect you have been friends for a while and I know you have a lot to talk to him about so I am bearing it. But I won't be afraid to let anyone know that you are mine. " My heart jumps at the last part of his sentence, I don't know if it was a good feeling or bad. "Well, as long as you know that I will be visiting him, and that I will be ok and there is nothing to worry about, I just don't want to keep anything from you" he nods.

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