Chapter 6 ~ A Place to call Home~

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I walk back to his door with my head down and my tail in between my legs, I gave into him but I knew I needed to get out soon. I walk back into my room all my bags placed neatly on the floor, I lock the door and curl up in a ball on the bed. I start to feel my eyes getting heavy when my phone begins to ring breaking me out of my almost slumber.

"Luci Speaking" I answer, "Hi Luci, this is Ray from Bayson Real Estates, I'm ringing to see if you are free to inspect the apartment you applied for today? I know its late notice but we had a last-minute cancellation, what do you say"? he pauses waiting for my response.

I jump onto my knees and kneel on the bed "Yes! of course. Omg thank you, I will see you soon." In excitement i jump off the bed and dance around my room before taking a deep breath.

I grab my bags and hurry towards the door, "I'll take you", A voice yells from across the apartment. Aiden grabs his keys and we go down to the garage. How did he even know where I had to go? This is starting to get strange; I just hope this place is the right one.

"I overheard your conversation and I need to go there so I thought I'd take you". I look down to my phone not acknowledging him and go over the photographs again. "Not very talkative are we". I roll my eyes at his smart comment "I find it weird that you seem to know where I need to go, and that you are overhearing my conversations". I look towards him as he nods "Yeah, I can see how that may seem odd". As I sit silent next to him, i begin to question my sanity again.

We meet Ray and he escorts me up to view the apartment. Its decently sized has one bedroom and a killer view. I am located on the top floor, I love the way the sun shines through the windows warming the rooms, making it feel like my home in Australia, and the moon and stars at night, I can only imagine the view. The kitchen and living are to the left, to the right is a hall that leads to the bedroom and bathroom.

Aiden walks into the apartment. "So, miss hall what do you think?" Ray asks as I stand in the kitchen imagining myself cooking in here, I turn to them both "it's perfect, when do I move in?" he hands me a set of keys "it's yours, you can move in today, I will go grab the papers and we can finalise everything now".

As I watch Ray leave to collect the contract, I lean my elbows onto the bench and let out a sigh of relief, I now didn't have to stay the night with Aiden. Ray returns with the documents and I complete payment. "Congratulations Luci, Enjoy" and Ray leaves. I can't believe I now have my own place.

My phone begins to rings "Hey mum". "Hey honey you have a few applications for the apartment make sure you look through them and choose someone". I've been so busy finding a home for myself that I forgot about my apartment back home. "Thanks for letting me know mum, I totally forgot, I will go through the candidates tonight and make a decision".

"Congratulations, you got yourself a place to live". I look up to Aiden, "thanks, I'm glad to be out of your house, no offense". He smiles "None taken". A truck arrived outside the apartment block, Aiden along with the driver carry what looks like a bed into the bedroom and assembled it. "I got you a bed, and no, you're not sleeping on the floor, consider it paying it forward from your help on the plane".

He was right, I couldn't sleep on the floor, and, I needed to furnish the rest of the apartment. "Well Luci, I bid you farewell may our paths cross again." he leans in and raises his hand to mine "Thank you, Aiden, for all you have done for a complete stranger". I shake his hand and watch him leave, that was the last time I saw him.



Short chapter today

Enjoy =D


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