Chapter 28 ~I Want You So Bad~

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"Luci honey dinner is ready, Luci it's your dad dinner is ready." My eyes slowly open and my dad helps me up, he helps me to the dinner table and I see my food cut up for me like I was a child. "I had to cut your food you're not able to apply pressure". my dad is always thoughtful but it embarrassed me a little.

i Looked down to my hand the stitching went from my thumb to my pinky my hand was swollen, my dad wrapped my hand while I was seated at the table, then we all enjoyed a dinner better than I had ever imagined.

After dinner my dad helped everyone clear up and I walked up to my room. A few minutes later my dad walked in and sat next to me.

"Before you talk Luci, let me. I was in town for a meeting and lucky I was, work has been giving me the opportunity to branch out, I have been acting director while my boss has been recovering from an incident, I quite like the job but it has been keeping me away from your mother. I'm assuming she came here to see you? I hope you're ok and I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you woke up, I was called away for an emergency surgery and by the time I could get to you they discharged you. It's been months since I've gotten to see you and I hate that it was in these circumstances but I'm glad I got to be here. what happened with your hand? What's been happening in your life? How is your memory? I want to know everything".

I hug my dad and don't let go, I am glad that he is here I really have missed him and I'm glad that I can now spend some time talking to him.

"Dad it's been nightmare after nightmare so far, I find out Mia is gone, I've lost my memory, the apartment I moved into gave me short notice that they were knocking it down, I moved to the beach house and met a stranger who is Colin, that is apparently a childhood friend that mum never thought to tell me about, I'm getting flashbacks but they only come when I have a panic attack which I never use to suffer from. The only good things I got a job in publishing and I love it. My hand, I punched the glass table outside and it shattered cutting my hand I was angry from an incident that happened yesterday and that no one is giving me answers instead I seem to be lied too."

He looks at me puts his hand on my shoulder "if I could help you I would sweet heart, your mother knew you well enough, you know girl instinct"

I huff "mum is useless at the moment she is acting weird and anytime I ask a question her answers are blunt so she is no help, I feel like I am alone and I just have to deal with it. And I also have to deal with my anger, since being here I've told off everyone". We both laugh.

"If you need to stay the night your welcome to".

"I would love to but I have to get back to the hospital, but I will make sure to come past again maybe we can do Christmas here like old times what do you say kiddo."

"That sounds perfect". he kisses my head and walks out.

I start a bubble bath and I lay inside making sure my hand was not getting wet, the bathroom door opens and Aiden walks in "um get out what are you doing".

I am trying to cover myself with the bubbles. He kneels besides the bath and places a glove over my hand and tied the end so water could not get in.

"Why did you do that? Why don't you think before you make stupid choices, you never use to be like this"?

"Excuses me what do you mean I never use to be like this." Aiden looks at me frozen he starts to stutter.

"oh I mean your dad was saying that you never use to be the type to fight or be angered I am worried about you Luci. I have been worried about you from the moment you fainted in front of me, I worry that I may not be there to catch you if it happens again".

I sit up from the bubbles and look at him "oh please don't give me that shit, you were gone for weeks and then I come here and your fucking women out your bedroom window, so don't tell me that you were worried".

he sits back and puts his head down. "Luci you were next door I could see you are ok I did not have to worry, and yes, I did do that but- I cut him off by getting out of the bath, I am naked Aiden gets to his feet and stares at me, his eyes are scanning my body and his mouth wide open.

"don't look at me like a piece of meat". I walk out to my room to get changed "don't walk away let me talk to you" I turn and look at him I am wrapped in a towel standing in the middle of my bedroom.

"As I was saying yes, I did fuck those girls but it's because you are driving me crazy, since I saw you at the book shop, I've had you on my mind and I can't get you out. I fuck those girls because I can't have you and I want you. I want you so bad".

He walks closer to me "I need you in my life I can't explain it but I need you". He gently touches my face rubbing is finger across my lips, places his hand beside my head and pulls me into a kiss, I step out of his grip and my towel falls to the ground.

i use my hands to quickly cover my body while Aiden picked it up. I covered myself and ran off to find a robe. "Aiden, I don't know what to say to you and I don't know what you are expecting to hear".

I walk out of my wardrobe seeing Aiden on the bed with his head in his hands.

"i-I'm sorry".

 he looks up "don't be sorry, if only you knew Luci things wouldn't be so complicated"

what is he talking about? What if I knew what? Aiden got up and walked out of my room.

I lay on my bed wondering what he meant. If only I knew, what is he trying to say I don't understand. everything has slowly begun to make sense and now he throws a curve ball making me rethink everything I thought I knew.

I throw my hand down and yelp in pain, I forgot my hand has stitching I look under the bandage to see if I drew blood but it was ok.

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