Chapter 25 ~ Promotion ~

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The next morning, I completed my tasks and spent the afternoon back at the cave. I laid on the floor looking at the engraving in the roof, I grab my phone and turn the torch on and shine the light on the wording, it did say light me up so what if it needs light? I leave the light on the writing for a few seconds and nothing happened.

I get back up and start to walk home, I stand in front of the rock with the heart I took a photo of it. I arrive back at the house the sun has set over the horizon and I see Aiden sitting on my deck waiting for me.

I walk up to him and back into the house, I have nothing to say to him I don't know what to say to him after that kiss, it was clear that maybe I was the one falling for him or was I just falling for his looks and getting caught up in feelings that don't exist.

I look at the photo on my phone the 3 set of couples are starting to make sense M+N= Mia and Noah aka Isaac, the C in L+C is Colin, and the L in E+L is me but who is L and E?

I get a message from grace "check your email." I open my emails and there is an invitation to a meeting held at the office it looks to be a whole team meeting so I must be there. I respond to the email get my clothes ready for tomorrow and I jump into bed.

It was nice being able to sleep through the night with no distractions, I wake feeling refreshed and ready for the day I get dressed, gather my things, eat breakfast and I get into my car to leave.

I see Colin walking towards the house its Thursday but his early "where are you going?"

"I've got to get to the city I have a team meeting I have to go." Colin opens my door

"Get out ill drive" I jump into the passenger seat and Colin began to drive.

"I don't know how long it's going to take me in the meeting today I might even have to do some work while I am there, I will try get out early so we can get back home at a decent time." Colin looks over and smiles

"it's ok, take the time you need, maybe I'll go to the store and find some new clothing or go visit some old friends."

We arrive to the building he pulls over and open my door for me, "wow what a gentleman" he rolls his eyes and waves goodbye.

I run into the building, and make it just in time. "Well good morning, Luci, you made it." everyone looks over at me "Hi" and I sneak to the back.

"Luci, you have done an amazing job over the last three months and we would like to keep you on full time-, everyone is clapping and the people next to me are patting me on the back. -You have done such an outstanding job that we are getting more and more people wanting to choose us for publishing, we are growing because of your explicate eye for detail. the board would like to extend an invitation for you to take the role as our Production Editor.

I stand there silent my body still my eyes wonder the room looking at my coworkers and their faces, I start to feel cold my body shivering, I'm trying to smile. I hear someone say "is she alright" I feel my body move someone was taking me out of the meeting and into my office, I see Colin laying on the lounge and he jumps up.

"Move! go get her water. Luci, come back don't faint on me".

"Here some water, what is happening?"

"She is having a panic attack."

"What the fuck did you guys do to her for it to happen!?" Colin is yelling. I hear the door close the glass walls vibrate from the slam.

"Shut up do not make a scene. Nothing she was offered a higher position and pay I think the audience was too much for her."

I feel a cold tissue placed over my face to keep me cool. "Since when does she have panic attacks"? I can hear Colin and someone else have a conversation but i can't make out who. "Since she had an accident a few months ago."

"What her mum didn't say anything to me."

"you're kidding you still speak to her mum, does Luci even know?." what are they talking about what don't I know about "no she doesn't, all she knows is that we were all friends.

Hang on, what don't I know and my mum? Who is she speaking too. I couldn't talk to question their conversation but before I knew it, I passed out.

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