Chapter 29 ~My Dad, He Left Us~

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"Good morning, all". My house if full once again but today it didn't matter, I needed someone around I could only use one hand so the help is great. I decided to sit outside for breakfast and have a nice warm cup of tea until something hit me.

("Robert where are you going, no stay home tonight please", my mum is crying she is pulling at his arm, my dad hasn't said a word. he walked up to me kissed me on the head and walked to the door. "Please no I do love you I love you Robert don't do this" my mum says again. He stood at the door "dad what's going on? Where are you going?" I look up at him he grabs my chin and says "I have to get back to the hospital but I will make sure to come past" he closes the front door and he was gone. I step back looking at my mum she is on the stairs crying, her eyes black from her makeup and papers scattered all across the floor.)

"Hey are you done. Luci? Have you finished your food"? I hear someone asking me a question and I answer "no". I am in the real world now but my brain is trying to recall that day. a wave of emotions overcomes my body and I burst into tears.

"Oh, Luci no why are you crying, omg come here girl". I feel the warmth of grace's arm around me and I lay my head into her chest and cry, I don't know why I am but I needed too, I felt so overwhelmed with emotion.

"I'm sorry grace, I just had a memory my-my dad, he left us he walked out".

I can hear chatter in the background it's almost a whisper but I couldn't understand most of it through my sobbing, "shhh, just shut up. "but" "she knows". I go get ready for the day I don't know how I am going to be able to do my work today but I'll have to manage with 1 hand. I still had books to read that grace sent a few weeks back so I locked myself in the study and read.

The house was silent the light left on and the doors locked, no one was here and it felt great I had a chance to be alone with myself to regain my thoughts, I make dinner and I sit down and watch tv.

Finally, I can do this in peace and quiet. This was the best night of my life, I giggle to myself like a school girl, didn't wash any dishes and put on the Sleepover until I fell asleep.

"Eww, do we have to watch this stupid, boring girls show"

"Yes! It's a movie night and I want to watch it"

"Fine but don't expect us to be interested" I laugh to myself quietly while everyone bickers to each other.

"Dude why are you so far from us" the boy at the end of the lounge looks at them

"I'd rather my book thanks".

"Go sit next to Luci she's alone we all have our own companions do you not like her" I look across to him and his blushing "shut up man!" he yells "she's not for me". he mumbles under his breath no one heard him besides me.

I'm woken by the doorbell, I look at the time 12pm, oh shit! How did I sleep so long? The doorbell rings again. I grab a jumper and run down the stairs.

I look through the peep hole and it's my dad. I open the door and let him in. "Hey dad everything ok?" he looks up at me and smiles "never better, how is your hand? I came past to check up on you" I giggle "come ill make lunch or maybe order it.

We enter the kitchen from the front and I see grace. "Good afternoon miss, I have lunch ready for you. And I am going to go back home now" she kissed my cheek and ran off. "You have wonderful friends Luci" "yeah, I guess I do, but I feel like they are hiding something".

My dad checks over my hand cleans it and wraps it back up. "a few more days than we can remove them".

"Do you have to go back to the hospital?".

"No, I'm done for the day" he lets go of my hand.

"Can you look at this picture for me, I showed mum but she was a little weird".

I pull out the picture with all the kids in it. My dad's face lights up his smiles is as wide as his face and then I realize the back of the photo had names. "omg" I yell, my dad's smile drops "what"? "Why didn't I do this earlier, turn the photo around, it has names of all the children in the photo."

My dad has a confused look upon his face. "This is a photo of all of you here when you were younger". his arms swing out while he talks "You and Mia were attached at the hip it was a beautiful thing". "What about the others who are they?" and I point to the two children I didn't recognize "they are Dr and Mrs Reynolds children Elliot and Lily." There are those names again, who is Elliot and Lily.

"Dad, do I know them, I can't seem to recall the names I have managed to meet and learn of the others but not these two I'm stuck on trying to understand who they are". my dad looks at me oddly he looks back at photo and back to me "they were here the other day honey". what is he, who was here the other day what? The sound of a pager went off interrupting my thoughts "oh, got to go emergency, sorry honey, catch up soon".

I hear the backdoor open and colin walks in. "hey girl it's that time of the year! Christmas! So, I am here to help you get down the decorations and the team is here to help decorate" Aiden and grace walk in. I jump to my feet "let's do this".

Grace high fives me. and we spend all afternoon decorating the house and putting up the tree. I could hear stomachs rumbling so I ordered pizza, we decided to leave the tree decorating till after we ate. after dinner we continue to decorate the tree, as I put the star on the top to, I see a message, I love you and the cave can prove it no matter the distance I am yours. "Someone get my phone quick", and I reach out my hand. I take a photo of the inscription and I lock it.

We all stand back and admire our decorating skills this has been another unforgettable night.

I took a picture of the house and I sent it to mum, "it looks beautiful, I remember doing that with all of you" the message read. I put my phone down and I went to sleep.

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